Me And Royalty

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"Respect is earned. Not given."

"Am I supposed to bow or something?"

The blonde's lips twitched at my question. His blue eyes sparkle with hint of amusement. "What? At least I need to have a little courtesy before start wrecking the Palace," I huffed.

I thought I am free from that devil shackles. Well, it was wrong. My right hand is shackled and the chain connected to the shackles is in this blonde's hand. I just need him to let go of the freaking chain!

"Your name's May?"

"Yep. What's your?"

"Kaden Blackowen,"





"Kaden, Kaden, Kaden, Ka-"

"Are you always this annoying or just special occasion?" Kaden tugged the chain hard so I got jerked to him.

"Yeah, I am always this annoying." I was really enjoying this. Kaden look like someone who doesn't get angry often thus I am pretty sure provoking him won't be pretty sight.

We finally arrived at the massive black old double door. The moment Kaden open the door, I freeze.

There is long hall, with long blue carpet in the middle and luxurious throne at the far end of the hall. The sparkling chandelier hung on the ceiling in the middle of the room while various guard statues placed along the hall.

It is not this room that make me freeze.

It was those ocean blue eyes.

Empty of emotion, yet so beautiful.

I dare to say, he is the most handsome man I have met. I hope I am not drooling. I quickly avert my gaze elsewhere before he caught me staring.

There sit on the throne is King of Lycan and Werewolf, face pale and wrinkled. He look sick. I didn't think he would be here since he is dying and should stay in his room. Whoops.

Beside him, stand Alvaro. Royal guard.
I snarled at him as he glared at me. Calum is nowhere in sight.

Archer is standing beside the handsome guy. When he saw me, he doesn't hide his dislike toward me. No surprise here dude, I don't like you too. Even you are eye candy.

"Is it me or that blue eyes guy is too attractive?"

The words blurted out of my mouth.

Kaden looked like he was containing his laughter while Alvaro hissed. Blue eyes guy remain emotionless. Like he didn't even hear my sudden comment. Archer looked at him warily as the King stare at the blue eyes guy in wonder.

"Ardent, you know her?" Archer nudged him whispering. I heard you dummy.

His name Ardent? Ar-den? Ardent...


His reply somehow make me sad. Why the heck is that?

I stared at Ardent, not even bother to hide that I am openly gauging his appearance. He is tall, muscular but lean build. His shoulder broad and his jaw sharp. He give off warrior vibe like Alvaro. His gaze not even once land on me.

"Who are you?" I turned toward Alvaro whose face showing business.

"May." I answered short.

"Full Name."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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