Thanksgiving Dinner

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"'s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is here, and the holidays are just around the corner, let the chaos begin!"-the guy on the news chuckles-"Have a good thanksgiving everyone!"
"Ugh, thanksgiving is already here? This year has gone by so fast." Cas turns off the T.V and throws his head back on the couch.
"Yep, almost too fast. Cheer up babe,"-I come up from behind the couch and kiss him-"Everything is going to go fine; your family will come over, Sam and Jess with Lily, Bobby, Kevin, Charlie, and everyone else. We will all be laughing and drink wine, and stuff our faces with food until we explode." He laughs. "Are we even going to have enough room to fit everybody?" He looks back at me. "We will figure it out, stop stressing!" I say, messing up his hair then walking away. He grumpily fixes his hair and yells, "Thanksgiving is in two days!" I just laugh as I walk down the hall.


"Get, your ass out of bed you lazy bum." Cas says, smacking my butt. I roll over to look at him, peeking over his shoulder. It is five until nine. "I told you that we shouldn't have done those things last night." I yawn. "Yeah, as you pushed me up against the wall." He grumbles. I smirk then lean forward to kiss him. He runs his fingers through my hair then down my back and-like every single damn time-I get the chills. I push us up so we're leaning on the headboard. He smiles and turns his head to the side, leaving my lips lonely. "We can't spend too much time in bed. 'Got to cook." He reminds me. "Well I'm just really thankful to have you, and this is me showing you my thanks. After all, it is thanksgiving, right?" I say, pushing my hips down on him. He stifles a moan and tries to reply. "So what you did last night wasn't you thanking me?" He glances at me. "I don't know, I couldn't tell if you understood that I was thanking you, you kept cursing and screaming." I smirk. He bites his lip and looks down.

So flippin' hot. I think to myself. I lick my lips then turn on my side, so I'm lying besides him now. "I wish we could just do this forever. Not having to worry about anything, just you and me, and your stupid hairless cat-"
"Hey! He's not stupid. And the reason we got a hairless one is so you won't be sneezing every five minutes!"
I laugh, then continue. "Endless bottles of champagne, good food, amazing nights, and even more amazing mornings. No work, or people, or anything." I say, drifting off to a fantasy world. "That's not that thankful of you." He jokes, intwining our fingers together and resting our hands on his stomach. "I love you," He whispers. We've said it plenty of times but yet, every time he says it; it means so much more than the last one. I kiss his side, making him laugh. "I love you too." We lay there in silence for a few more minutes.
"I'm going to go start getting things ready." He mumbles. I lift my head up. "Okay." I watch as he gets up, staring at his bare ass.

Soon after, I also get up. Throwing on a pair of pants, not worrying about buttoning them. I head into the kitchen where Cas is already a busy bee. A busy bee in his tight underwear to be exact. "I think Sam and Jess are coming early; around twelve." I say. "Yay, aww I can't wait to see Lily. How old is she now?" He asks. "Um, two I think."
"Holy crap! She's old!" He gasps. "I know." I say.

I walk over to Cas, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm going to be leaving for work soon, I'll be back around twelve, too."
"I wish you didn't have to work today." He says sadly.
"Me neither, but I'll try to get done earlier for you." I say. I force him to spin around. I look him in the eyes. "Don't get too stressed out, okay? I'll be home before you know it and I'm sure Jess will love to help so don't be shy." I say. He nods then leans forward, pressing our lips together. I kiss him back, relaxing muscles I didn't know were tense. I pull back. "I'll be back soon." I say, dragging my hand down his arm as I walk away.


I bragged my boss into letting me go early, so I get home at eleven-forty. When I walk into the apartment I am instanly surrounded by the smell of food and realise how hungry I am. "That smells amazing!" I walk up behind him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then I go to grab a biscuit but my hand gets smacked away from Cas. "Hot! It literally just came out of the oven two seconds ago, stupid! Anyways, you don't need to be eating anything." He says while he glances over all the food. "But I'm starving." I complain into his shoulder.

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