Chapter 3: Friday , August 16 2014

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T.G.I.F my choco pocky lovers WKF'S

remember how everyone is just happy it's Friday well in summer vacation it's now a no "biggie" , no school so nothing to b happy for

Today I went to a oriental store and caned out with no pocky or kanchou so I'm going to have my moment please ......HOW THE F*CK A ORIENTAL STORE HAS NO POCKY IT'S FUCKIN TOP ASIAN SNACK *sobs* so sad

Well that out my system

So I started wondering if I could actually dance so I video tape my self dancing.....I look totally fricken suck at it T-T so I need lots of practice if I want to do isolation dances

(Going to post more brb)

oki dokes im back..why did i even mention i left >.<? its not like im texting you guys or speaking to you. as some may realize my grammer in this diary is horrific , but its a diary and its mine so its um what was i trying to explain ?

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