chapter six

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Harem: Naruto/Serenity Wheeler/ Alexis/ Older Obelisk Blair Flannigan/Fem. Judai Yuki/ Mizuho (Duel Spirit)/Camilla.

"Normal conversation"

'Inner thoughts'

Monster name and description

"Monster speech"

'Monster inner thought'

It was a foggy night, and the light house shined its light to alert any passing ships of the island. On the dock, you can see Alexis walking and was startled to see Zane Trusdale there looking out at the ocean.

"Zane…" Alexis said trying to get the Obelisk Blue's attention as she walked closer.

"Dawn seems so far away, huh?" Zane asked no taking his eyes off the ocean.

"Yes, but I believe there's no night without dawn" she answered.

We leave the two and cut to where Naruto and Judai were being taken to a hearing of what they've done. However, just before they were taken, Naruto had just submitted his findings to Kaiba when campus security had busted into his dorm room which he shared with Judai. The two were asked to come with them to have a hearing about them being in a restricted area that was the abandoned dorm.

Also, both Syrus and Chumley were being taken to the same destination as they were, so they all knew they were in serious trouble, but luckily for them, Naruto had a way to save his girlfriend and his friends.

After arriving, they were told immediately what their fate was.

"What expelled?!" both Judai and Syrus asked.

While, Naruto looked on with a serious face at what the inquiry board has to say.

"Earlier today, Naruto Pegasus, Judai Yuki and 2 accomplices broke into the abandoned dorm which was closed-off and was made off-limits, and wreaked havoc inside. The investigation has commenced!" the head of the campus security said.

"We were there because…"Judai said, before Naruto cut in.

"We were there because I was under orders to investigate certain things on this island and the abandon dorm was one of them" Naruto said getting everyone's attention.

"Under who orders if I may ask?" Crowler asked.

"My godfather and owner of Duel Academy, Seto Kaiba" Naruto said. This made everyone's except Shepard's jaw drop.

"WHAT!" they yelled except for Shepard who was already aware for Naruto circumstances.

"Your godfather… Seto Kaiba Ha! Nice try blondie, but that's hard to believe" Crowler said trying to save face.

"If you don't believe me then I guess I can do this" he said as he put down his bag, opened it up and pulled out a laptop. Activated it and called Kaiba via video phone. The call connected and the image of Seto Kaiba came into view.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen" Kaiba said in a serious tone.

"G-good morning Kaiba-sama" they said in unison with a hint of fear.

naruto at duel academy (May Be Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now