Im not gonna sugarcoat it ❣️

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I hate to lie
I don't want to blow it
So I have no choice I'm not gonna sugar coat it Yeah that party was fun and I really enjoyed it but there was a time where I stopped for a moment is this where I'm supposed to be around all these people who are nothing more than faces to me. There was a voice saying to leave but it's a party and Im having fun. I shouldve listen because someone pulled out a gun and I guess you can figure out what happened next. I survived at least. 2 years later my life finally decided to head for the worst I said little prayers sometimes but I still fell asleep in church I would run to my friends and say I'm fixing my relationship with God but I sit in them pews like a statue like you won't get a head nod. I cuss like a sailor when I'm out I judge before giving the benefit of the doubt I'm so mean to the ones who try to love me but give my all to the ones who betray me I'm so backwards I mean look at me I'm 19 nothing more than poet singer and sinner and every little detail I said was true I was asked to write this poem to encourage the youthHere today I encourage you listen to that still small voice and don't ignore it because that is god callingI'm gonna leave it here but by now you should know it I kept my end of the deal when I said I'm not gonna gonna sugarcoat it.-Milly

The Storm (For Myra Cotton RIP Granny)

Starting this off with my granny's favorite line to address the congregation
"Is everybody Happy?"
A wise woman once said There's a storm coming saints
I thought about the saints and I must know
Are you prepared for that storm
The thunder the lightning the rain the clouds are you ready for that move of god
Are you ready to shake your child that doesn't want to wake up are you ready for the aftermath the flood. Are you ready for the blessing that is waiting for you after the storm The seeds god has planted the trees of growth the lakes of joy the flowers of grace are you ready to face the man who gave you these blessings. Are you ready to see the messiah. Then I begin to think back Pastor Cotton used to sing me a song it went like this I love you more today then I did on yesterday because you are wonderful you're marvelous yes you are. I then realized im ready I'm ready to sing that song to him when I meet him. That's song of everlasting praise Now Throughout this poem I showed you changes because prayer changes. Just trust in him and he'll bring you out the storm and send you a abundance of blessings.In the words of MY GRANNY stay sweet baby and stay with god -Milly 💙

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