Part 2

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Me and FalconFeather leave the camp and walk out into the forest, were for once it looked so green and beautiful, I was getting used to the trees having no leaves in winter but now that spring has rolled around everything was so fresh and green.

I step onto the newly grown soft grass and stop to glare down at the green grass beneath my white paws.

"Are you ok there" I hear FalconFeathers voice meow from infront of me.

I look up and see that he had stopped and was watching me.

" Yea I'm fine just not used to green grass that's all"

"Yea, its nice" he replies as he continue walking.

As we are walking I decided to start a conversation so I meow

" so, when are you gonna teach me to fight."

I had always loved to fight, I would practice with my sister StarGaze back when I was a kit. But not reasontly because since she had became a warrior, apparently its become babyish.

" Once you've learnt to hunt...".

He freezes.

I start to hear russling sounds in the bushes.

" Shhhhh... watch me" He whispers, then starts to sneek up to the bush.

I quietly stand and watch as he suddenly leaps and with one swipe of his paw he ends its life.

"And that's how you do it"

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