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Lucy pov

"Lucy! Are you alright?!" Wendy came rushing over to me ready to heal me.  "I'm fine Wendy, I'm okay! Go help the others!" We're on a job outside of Magnolia dealing with some giant toxic plant infestation. The job request stated that the townspeople couldn't leave the town without these plants attacking them and poisoning them. As if the plants were trying to keep them trapped inside the town limits. Some people have been gravely injured or even died. 

Even though they managed to get the job request sent out to other guilds, the guy that got them to other guilds ended up severely poisoned and is in a coma in one of Magnolia's hospitals. Porlyusica said to try and bring back samples so that she can try to make antidotes out of them. "Okay!" Wendy says as she goes to help Erza, who'd been hit by one of the toxic vines. I look down at my side above my left hip. Blood. It did get me. I'm pretty sure I'm poisoned too. I know Wendy could have helped me, but I'm so tired of always being the one that needs rescued, saving, protecting. Natsu launched an all out inferno on the plants and they all screeched in pain before finally withering away.

I quickly dart to around a building near by and summon Virgo. "Princess?" "Hey Virgo, can you quickly get me another shirt to change into from the celestial world? I got blood on this one." Before she can even say anything, "Yes, I'm okay. A shirt? Please." She disappears for a few seconds and reappears with a fresh shirt I hand her the one I was wearing. "If you don't mind, take this one to my apartment and throw it into my dirty clothes hamper in my bathroom. Thank you!" "Of course Princess!" She disappears and I come running back around the building to my teammates. 

"Where'd you go Lucy?" Natsu asks me curiously. "Oh, I um, ran around to make sure there were no more plants. To be sure you got them all." "Ohh, I got them all, alright!" He smirks and ignites his fists and gloats. I gently smile. The toxin is beginning to really sting. I hold back a wince, "Sso did anyone grab a sample to bring back to Porlyusica?" "Right here!" Wendy said holding a medium sized bag up in view. "This should be plenty for her to make for all the townspeople that were injured. Possibly even more!" "I'm glad we were able to handle this without anyone getting really hurt. But what I want to know is how these plants ended up this way. Why? By who maybe?" Erza asks more to herself than the group. "Let's just go ahead and let the townspeople know the plants are gone and collect our reward and go home. We need to get those samples back anyway." Gray suggests. 

We all nod and head into town and did exactly that. The mayor thanked us kindly and gave us the reward and sent us on our way. We hop on the train and sit down to get comfortable. Except Natsu. Gray and Erza are pulling him by his feet as his hands are on the trains open doors refusing to board the train. "NO! I HATE TRAINS!" "NATSU! IT'S TOO FAR A WALK TO GET BACK TO THE GUILD! IT'D TAKE US WEEKS TO GET BACK!" Gray grunts out loud as he struggles to yank Natsu onto the train. I just face palm at the whole scene. "THAT'S FINE! WE'D STILL MAKE IT BACK AND HEY! NO TRAIN RIDES!" Erza then bops Natsu on the head and he lets go to rub his head. Then he realizes what he'd done, "Wait, NO!" He slams his face into the train doors just as they finally close and we feel the train begin to pull forward.

Erza and Gray sit next to Wendy opposite me with tsk marks on their heads and furrowed brows. Natsu finally manages to drag himself off the floor and stumbles into his seat next to me. Green and ready to blow. "Don't you dare throw up on me Natsu!" I state firmly to him. He turns to face me with a fully nauseated look and collapses into my lap. I gasp in slight pain. He landed slightly on where the plant had struck me. Whatever nausea he had, disappeared and he shot up to look at me with a concerned face. He's laid his head on me plenty of times when we ride the train. For whatever reason, him laying on me soothes him and quite frankly, I don't mind, but I've never been pained by him doing it. "You're hurt." 

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