Ch 7

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Time skip one month

Natsu pov

Lucy and I have been at the cabin a little over a month and we've not gotten any word from the guild about the other slayer or anything. I've not had any more dreams with that guy intruding in on them.. but, I do feel something or someone trying like hell to come through. Like there's a door in my mind that's been closed and locked but I can feel someone tugging on it trying to open it. Lucy seems happy here with me but I can sense her getting more and more anxious and sad the longer we stay here. I think she forgets how well I can sense her emotions. I've asked her on more than one occasion if she was okay, catching her lost in a daze. She always says yea, she's fine. However while in her daze I can feel her aching. She's gotten pretty good at her poker face. Masking how she's really feeling. If I wasn't able to feel her emotions. I might believe she was really just fine. 

We actually got into an argument this morning. I caught her again lost in thought and feeling that ache pour out of her. I asked her what was wrong. She tried denying anything was wrong but I pressed her to tell me.

*flash back* 

"I want to go back home!" I knew what she meant, but it hurt to hear. "You don't want to be here with me?" She relaxes her face, "No, Natsu that's not it. You know that's not it. I love being with you. It doesn't matter where we are, I'd always love being with you. I just wish we were here together under different circumstances.. I just miss everyone and being home. We haven't heard from anyone since we got here, and I'm worried. What if something's wrong? What if something happened when they looked into whoever was speaking to you in your dreams? What if he found them? We have to go back." "Lucy we can't go back. I'm sure they're all fine. It's too big a risk to go back. We have to stay here and wait till we hear something. Someone from the guild will show up if and when they find something." "For how long Natsu?!" She laughs to keep from crying any more than she already had been, "I mean, we've already been here a month! What, you wanna wait another month? Two? Three? A whole freaking year??" 

That last part of her sentence stung. She knows how crappy I feel about what my leaving for a year did to her. She may have forgiven me, or maybe she hasn't since she's throwing it at me, but I definitely don't. I'm responsible for the tears she shed over that. I grit my teeth in frustration. At myself and this situation as a whole. "Lucy we're NOT going back. I'm not willing to risk you to do that. I'm sorry." "So you're just gonna trap me here, is that it??" "If that's what it takes to keep you safe, till I know it's safe to go back. Then you're damn right." She stood up in a huff and walked to the door. She placed her hand on the handle and so did I. "Where are you going?" I ask her a little too sternly. "Are you my father now??" I just kept glaring back at her. "I'm not leaving the area but right now I want to be alone. I'll be by the lake. Don't follow me." She removes my hand from hers and walks out the door.

*end flash back*

I sigh frustrated. I'm doing this to keep us safe. To keep her safe. I know she wants to go home, so do I, but possibly losing her is just not something I'm prepared to risk. I love her too damn much. She does have a point though. Why HAVEN'T we heard from anyone back home? It's been a month so they should have found out SOMETHING, even if they didn't find anything, that's still something to let me know about, right? Maybe we just hid out so well that they couldn't find us? Even if that were the case I'm sure they'd figure out a way to find us. I feel myself getting tired. Ugh no. I don't need sleep right now. We're beginning to run low on the viles gramps gave us so I can't nap now. I have to save what we have for when we sleep at night. I try to hone in on Lucy to see how she's feeling when a familiar scent interrupts that. Panic starts to bubble in my gut when I run to the window, it quickly fades away though when I see who it is. I run out to them.

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