No Control

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I can barely even keep my eyes open. I can't even remember the last time I was up this early. Usually i could either work from home or go into the office later but we had a huge project that needed to be done by Friday so for the next three days my boss wanted me in early. Coffee... I need coffee.
I rubbed my eyes once again upon walking into the cafe across from my apartment, resulting in my running into someone. I sort of mumble an apology without even looking at them. I hear the person sigh in annoyance but Im too tired to really care so I just walk away towards the counter.
"What can I get you sir?" The woman behind the counter asks.
"Just a medium coffee, please."
"Okay." She says and writes me name on a cup. "That will be 2.75."
I hand her the money and go stand to the side to wait for my drink. Out of boredom I look around the small cafe a bit. Even though i live right across the street I had never actually been here before. I don't drink much coffee but I just really need it today. My eyes rest on a girl sitting reading a book in a corner booth. I can't stop looking, mesmerized by her beauty. Her hair was in long light brown ringlets, I couldn't see much of her face except for the fact that she was practically glowing. How can someone look so good so early in the morning?
Suddenly her eyes glance up from her book and look straight at me. Her eyes stick me into my stumped state even more with their bright blue color. Her brow raises at me as she realizes that I'm looking at her. I smile at her but all I get is an eye roll before she looks back at her book.
"Harry." I hear my name called and grab my coffee before walking over to the girl in the corner booth.
As I stop at her booth I see her body tense up but she doesn't look at me. "Good morning."
She sighs and finally looks up so I can see her beautiful eyes again.
"Morning." She says before going back to her book quickly. I continue to stand next to her table. I don't know what it is, it's literally like I cannot move from my spot beside her. "Can I help you?" She asks while keeping her eyes down.
"Can I sit?" I ask. Did I really just ask that? So smooth harry.
She looks around the practically empty cafe then purses her lips at me. "Really?"
"Really." I reply with a smirk.
"Be my guest." She then says gesturing to the seat across from her before returning to her book.
"Must be a really good book." I inquire as I sit down. She hums in agreement but otherwise ignores me. I watch her eyes flicker across the page for a while before speaking again. "I'm harry by the way."
I see her bite her lip before placing her book face down and looking up at me. "You're not gonna stop are you?"
"This is usually when you would tell me your name..." I explain, ignoring her question.
She stares at me raising her eyebrow just like earlier, "I don't fraternize with rude people."
I'm taken back by her comment, "rude? I'm just trying to introduce myself."
"Bumped into me... Didn't apologize, didn't even look at me. Ring a bell?"
I think for a second and remember the moment from when I first walked into the cafe. "Sorry about that. Not usually up this early. Not used to it, bit groggy. Is it alright if I apologize now." She nods slowly and I smile. "Well I'm very very very sorry for running into you earlier. It was entirely my fault."
"You're forgiven." She replies as if we had just closed a business deal. She glances at her phone sitting beside her book. "Gotta go." She says and hurries to collect her belongings.
"Are you not gonna tell me your name?"
"Sorry in a rush." She replies and quickly leaves the cafe. I look back at the spot she was just occupying and notice that she left her coffee cup. I smile as I see the stain of her red lipstick on the lid. Out of the corner of my eye I see my name on my cup and a realization hits me. I grab her cup and turn it around. "Chelsea." I say under my breath reading it from the cup. I chuckle at myself feeling slightly stalkerish. This is crazy I see this girl and it's suddenly like I have no control.

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