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I walk into literature, head down, a little late. I smile apologetically as I walk past Miss. Maryweather's desk even if I know she doesn't mind, like it or not I'm the only student there, typical Eastview high.
I had only managed to sit down and almost proceeded with unpacking when the classroom is swamped with students chattering, laughing, muttering, simply indifferent of being at least ten minutes late.
Miss. Maryweather, already use to Eastview students gets up and start writing stuff on the board. Almost immediately, he walks in, in his handsome glory,
ahhhhhhhhhh I could die.
He's on a regular black jean, a T-shirt and the school's own basketball jacket. Though it's a regular outfit for a guy at Eastview high, well aside the detachable sticker at the left hand pocket and at the back signifying the school's QB, he makes it look so thought over.
My fantasizing comes to a pause when his eyes roams the classroom and rests on me, he starts moving towards me gracefully not missing one step.
My eyes widens and my heart fights to jump out as I try to steady my breathing but it doesn't work seeing as he keeps walking towards to me, but why?
    I do the same as him, letting my eyes roam the classroom, I then realise the only free chair is the one immediately next to mine.
I try to calm my nerves, it's not like we  haven't sat next to each other before, heck we even do small talks, well he does the talking cos my brain feels the right moment to go numb is anytime Tyler Briske is ten feet close to me.
  He finally approaches, acknowledging my presence with a wink, oh that wink, with all my late night studies and my sixteen years of living, the only thing smart enough that I think to say is,
I give myself a mental slap, and try again.
"Hmm those weren't words, heck they weren't even English, maybe Spanish, but then again I do not speak Spanish but I have been told that I do look like Clara from a Spanish movie, am I rambling? I think I'm rambling, well of course I am, I tend to do that a lot, it's definitely not just with you I do it with everyone." Lie! Why am I still talking?
"I'm not saying it would be a bad thing if it were to be only you, except it would make you uncomfortable, good cos it's not, my...."
  The episode of embarrassment by yours truly is cut short by Miss. Maryweather, I have never been more happy to hear those words.
"Enough chatting, if you want to chat about something, it better be about this book."
She says, pointing at the book on her desk, murmuring of the students arises but is cut short with her teaching glare.
It's like all teachers are taught how to glare hard enough to pierce through souls. I should seriously take lessons.
Tyler gives me his signature smirks and flips open his textbook. If only I could crawl into my backpack and never have to see his face again and die of embarrassment, unfortunately for me I can't.
The good thing is that Tyler isn't your typical stereotypical QB. I mean he is breathtakingly gorgeous and yeah he did break a lot of people's heart but not intentionally.
He isn't some player or bully and he definitely doesn't take advantage of the tons of girls who will most probably sell their grandmas to get him to look at them. So yeah, I don't have to worry about hearing my embarrassing episode from anyone else. Right, like that's suppose to makes me feel better?
The rest of the class is spent with me trying to focus on the work I have in front of me, which actually requires my attention and not the boy who I'm sure doesn't appreciate me staring at him.
Luckily for me, I snap my head right back to my paper before he realises I had been staring at him, at least I still had some shred of dignity left.
    The moment the bell goes off, I pack my stuff and launch for the door not even bothering to have small talk with Miss. Maryweather like I sometimes do.
I'm sure she'll understand being in my situation were I rambled to the hottest guy in school and blurted like an idiot, things that weren't words, now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo who has good grades and who he sometimes talks to while walking on the hallway, probably not.
  I try to open my locker but it seems to be stuck.
"Not now you stupid locker, public school!" I yell in my head as I bang the locker harder, like it's its fault I had embarrassed myself in literature.
I let out a sigh of frustration about to bang it again when the all too familiar feelings surfaces, sweaty hands, a boxing heart and numbness of the brain, it can only mean .... And then he comes to view, leaning on the locker next to mine, what is he doing here? His locker isn't here.
"Hate to be that locker." He says as I watch as his lips part for words to come out, yeah yeah it's called talking, I know, I'm not that far gone, but it should be called something else when he does it, so perfect so..... Wait, he's waiting for me to say something.
I attempt to but I instantly cover my mouth with my hands to prevent another episode of rambling. When this girl starts, she doesn't stop, seeing how strange that was, I turn it into a sneeze.
Hopefully he buys it, he doesn't seem to notice what I did cos he automatically mutters a,
"Bless you."I manage a smile in response.
"I see you're having locker problems." He says and I foolishly nod, afraid to open my mouth. He also nods but not in the akward way I did, is everything about him so unique?
Distracted by my own thoughts, I miss how he fixes it, all I know is my locker is now open. He shoves a book inside and I instantly recognise it. I must have dropped it while trying to escape from literature, oh Emma, you couldn't even do the right.
"Thanks." I mutter. He gives his signature wink and walks off.
Just then my besties arrive, all with knowing, teasing smiles. They must have over heard our conversation.
"You actually said something this time."
Esmay says while Jody and Freya laugh consentingly.
"Yeah, you didn't speak Emma's language, you spoke actual English." Jody says with false suprise making me roll my eyes.
They had named my weird word combination as Emma's language.
"At least I own a language, it's a step to fame." I retort, releasing the breath I hadn't realised i was holding.
"Are you ever going to tell him you like him?" Freya inquiries, a question I have asked myself more times than once.
"Emma, she'll never be able to do it" Esmay deadpans, pointing disbelievingly at me.
"Yes I will." I defend but even I don't buy it.
"Yeah right, you say that every time, walk halfway there and make a 360." Freya says, getting nods from the others.
"I'll tell him when I'm ready okay, lay off my back." I say, slamming my locker shut, signifying the end of the conversation.
"Bye bitches, I have to go to the bathroom before my next class."
I leave them, headed for the bathroom where there isn't any drama, Tyler, mostly no chance of embarrassing myself, I hope. Just before I get there, I see Mrs. Valdez, she has been the school's cleaner for as long as I can remember, doesn't really talk much, but then again, who would choose to chat with annoying teens who look for a reason to Snapchat every little thing, and still have to clean up their messes?
I feel bad for her sometimes though, seriously it's not so hard to throw stuff in the trashcan to lighten her stress but of course nobody does it.
We share pleasantries, basically nods and smiles as I enter the bathroom.
Done with my business, I make for the door but I stop dead on my tracks when I hear the familiar clicking of heels which only means,  Becky Lee is here.
She's been the school's head cheerleader since tryouts. Ever since she pushed Clara Stone down the the stairs on the way to recess, no one has ever tried to compete for the position, no shocker there.
   I had tried to cutoff drama but my crush on Tyler compromises that. I mean, did I really think having a crush on the school's QB who almost every girl has the hots for, Becky inclusive, wouldn't cause any drama?
Becky has mostly stayed off my back, except for the hard glares ( almost as piercing as the ones teachers give.. almost) and stink eyes she gives me during Tyler and mine small talks or polite smiles.
Today being the first day is the perfect time for her to choose her prey for the school year, I'll be damned if I let that be me.

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