4: I Angered You

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Sure, Jeongguk did not say much. The older would not have minded those words if he wasn't already mad.

But then, this could have been expected. Jeongguk provoked the King publicly once and he would do it again if he got the chance. 

But that did not mean Taehyung would let it slide.

The older stepped forward and reached out to grab the other tightly, deciding to pinch the younger's ear as he forced him to follow after.

Jeongguk yelped in surprise as his eyes widened from shock, the grip on his ear was uncomfortable and painful and Jeongguk ran after the other, bending low to ease some of the pain radiating from his ear.

That did not work.

Taehyung forced Jeongguk around the palace while listening to his high pitched apologies and promises not to behave like that anymore.
But the older could not care less at the moment. It wasn't like Jeongguk meant his words anyway. Taehyung signaled the guards standing before his office to open the doors and walked in, the doors closing behind him.

"Please I'm sorry– ouch– I won't do– ouch– let go of me– ouch– ouch–"

Jeongguks pleadings were interrupted as he was brutally pushed to sit on the comfortable bench across from Taehyung's bureau again, immediately rubbing his ear as a sigh of relief left his lips.

"Don't relax just yet," Taehyung warned the younger as he sat down on his bureau stool. "We have not even started yet."

"Started with what?" It seemed like the pain inflicted to him didn't do much to his behaviour. Jeongguk still felt bratty and he wasn't enjoying the situation at all, not even thinking about making it easier on himself. "You really are a joke of a King, do you even care about your people!?"

A fist slamming onto the desk was enough to silence the boy. Taehyung was mad, not in the mood to joke around. "Have I been too soft on you, Jeongguk?" Taehyung then asked, voice cold and monotone. It was even scarier than it had been inside the diner room. "Have I, Jeongguk? Because I feel like I have."

There was no way in hell that Jeongguk was going to answer that question. He understood that he really did push the King this time. If the punishments from earlier were painful, then the upcoming one would be grievous.

"I get it, I angered you," Jeongguk spoke up, not even knowing what to say at this point. "But you are so much worse! You literally tore my life apart!"

Taehyung didn't like the boy's choice of words. His eyes turned even darker and the atmosphere around them just changed. Jeongguk couldn't help but shiver, feeling goosebumps appearing on his arms.

Taehyung smirked at seeing the younger being silent while awaiting his fate. He leaned back in his chair and let his eyes wander away from Jeongguk, tapping his long index finger to his chin as if he was thinking.

Which he was not.

Taehyung already knew how he was going to punish the younger. He was going to enjoy braking Jeongguk piece by piece until there was nothing left of his resistance.
Locking eyes with the younger, a glint of playfulness was seen in the older's eyes.

"I want you to get over my lap."

Jeongguk's heart fell. All confidence disappeared from his face. Of course Taehyung would say something like that.

Taehyung did mention that the younger wouldn't want to find out. Now, Jeongguk has already received spanks before, but he could feel that it would be different this time. The King seemed genuinely angry and he sounded so disappointed with how soft he had been treating the younger. Jeongguk wasn't so curious to find out how the upcoming punishment was going to play out.

"I told you to bent down over my lap," Taehyung demanded. "When I give you orders, I expect you to follow them."

Jeongguk slowly bend down to sit on his knees, shaking a bit out of fear. He looked up at the older's lap and gulped, seeing as Taehyung has removed his hands out of the way. He really expected the younger to do this by himself. Jeongguk felt embarrassed. He felt humiliated.

Closing his eyes, Jeongguk slid his arms over the older's lap as he slowly lifted himself up over him, getting in the position Taehyung wanted him to be. Tears already threatened to spill from his eyes but he kept himself together.

Jeongguk whined when a hand touched the waistband of his pants, squirming in discomfort to get the hand away from him.

That did not work, of course.

"Stay still," Taehyung's deep voice spoke up from above him. "It'll be worse if you make a scene."

It was enough to shut the younger up, to make him freeze in utter misery. Jeongguk hated this.

He felt Taehyung's hand pull his pants down until his boxers were on full display, which- much to Jeongguk's dismay- were pulled down soon after.

Jeongguk feared his loss already, gripping on the older's leg tightly in desperation for some stability. Stray tears left his eyes as he kept shaking in horror, afraid of what was going to come next.

Taehyung enjoyed the younger's misery. He loved how he has him trembling in fear just by laying over his lap and he was not embarrassed to show that, letting out a chuckle as he smirked and sighed right after. Left hand combing through the younger's hair in attempt to sooth his stress a bit while his right hand softly caressed his clothed back, chuckling in adoration at the sight of the younger.

"This will hurt for just a bit," Taehyung softly spoke, not hiding how much he adored the younger at all. "You will be good for me, right?"

The poor boy wasn't thinking straight at this point. He nodded without knowing what the older had just said, deciding to later on act as if none of the upcoming event ever happened.
However, Jeongguk may have been too naive. The young boy who expected a spanking was not ready for the real horror that the older was going to put him through.

Taehyung was going to hurt him for real, and poor naive Jeongguk would've known that if he noticed the wooden object that the older got from one of the drawers of his bureau.

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