39: Bunny On The Run

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For those who doubted his words, Jeongguk was quite serious about what he said.
He was angry, felt like his older brother didn't trust him or believed that he could take the truth- whatever the truth might be-.

After leaving the office, Jeongguk went back to Taehyung's room to collect his smartphone and a small bag with clothes for the next day. No way was he going to stay the night at the palace now that he was so angry. Kang Seojun could follow him, he didn't care. As for the guards... let's just say that Jeongguk would try to ignore them for now.

A deep sigh escaped Jeongguk's mouth as his eyes stared at the small list of contacts in his smartphone, the only contacts being his parents, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin.
He obviously couldn't go back to his parents now. The travel was too long and he would have to come back the next day. So, Jimin was his only choice. Pressing the button, the boy's heart speed up and his breath hitched the moment the other picked up. Jeongguk ignored the look Seojun sent him.

"Jeonggukkie?" Jimin's voice spoke up from the other end of the call. "What's up, Kid."

"Jimin Hyung..." Jeongguk himself wasn't really sure what to say. He wanted to come over for the night, and he knew that Jimin wouldn't reject him. But to actually ask the question was something else.
"Yoongi Hyung and Taehyung Hyung– I just... can I sleep at your place tonight?"

It was quiet for thirty seconds, killing the younger from the inside. Jimin then sighed, apologising for his silence. "Did they do something?" The older sounded like he knew what the younger was talking about, as if it didn't surprise him to hear something like that from Jeongguk. It was strange to the younger. But seeing that Jimin has guessed it right, he hummed in affirmation. "They are forcing guards upon me. I don't appreciate two mindless slaves to follow me wherever."
A chuckle was heard from Jimin's side of the call. "That's one way to name it." He laughed, obviously amused by Jeongguk's words. "You can come over, it'll be nice to have company."

"Thank you, Hyung." Jeongguk then said, relief present in his voice. He heard the older chuckle. They then shared their good byes and the phone call died.

"They won't approve. They'll never let you leave the palace." Kang Seojun walked further into the room, leaning against a wall to face the other. He was frowning at Jeongguk, not in a disapproving way, however.

"Figured," Jeongguk sighed, turning away from Seojun to sling the small bag over his shoulder. "Lucky for me, Yoongi Hyungie never knew I sneaked out when I was angry. It'll be just fine."

"You didn't forget that you still have me and two snitches to follow you, right?"

To that, Jeongguk froze. Because in fact, he did forget about that for a second. Cursing under his breath, Jeongguk thought to himself. There had to be a way to be able to leave without being caught.

"Be glad I'm no snitch, Kid. I'll get you out and to Park Jimin's apartment." Kang Seojun smiled, a mischievous look in his eyes. The other could see that he meant it. Seojun wasn't lying, he actually meant what he said. He would help Jeongguk leave and reach the apartment of his first ever friend. The boy nodded, accepting Seojun's offer.

"Good," the Amber brown haired male said. "First, you gotta change your clothes. If you're gonna sneak out, then you'll have to do so in style." The smile on his face was really beautiful. It reminded Jeongguk of a painting of an angel he once saw. Seojun's smile was also quite contagious, and Jeongguk couldn't not smile along. The look of mischief in the other's eyes was something the boy found himself admiring. "I think we'll get along just fine, Kang Seojun-ssi." Jeongguk said, watching the other take the lead at walking over to Taehyung's large walk-in closet. Seojun chuckled, opening the door for Jeongguk and met his eyes. "Call me by my name, Jeongguk-ah." He said, winking as the other walked in.

"So, it's a good thing both of you share the same clothing sizes." Seojun then said, letting his eyes observe the many clothes around him. "What do you usually like to wear?"

"Comfortable clothing," Jeongguk didn't hesitate to answer. "Hoodies and ripped jeans. Sometimes I like to wear sweatpants too, but they usually make me feel like I'm wearing pyjamas."

Seojun chuckled again. His eyes were fixated at the comfortable looking hoodies, determined to find a black one. Lucky for him, Taehyung loved black hoodies.
"This one seems comfortable," Seojun spoke up again, taking the oversized black hoodie out from its place. "It'll be cute on you."

Jeongguk wanted to scoff at that. However, that's not what he did. The hoodie did look comfortable, and the fact that it was oversized made it even better. He took it, adamant to not return it to Taehyung as revenge.

Or, that's what he wanted himself to believe.


"You've got another set of clothes, phone?"

"Yeah, I've got everything."

"Put this face mask on, Kid. We gotta run now."

Seojun and Jeongguk were more than ready to flee for the night, having prepared everything they'd have to do. Their plan was waterproof and promised to be a success. The only thing left to do being to actually get into action now.

The two males sneaked out of the room, aware of the hallway being completely empty at this time. It was late in the midday now. All the staff was off duty for thirty minutes only and both Yoongi and Taehyung were still inside the King's office. The coast was clear, if they wanted to leave, then they had to do it now.

Seojun and Jeongguk did just that, running through the palace with their eyes open for anything unexpected to happen. If someone were to caught them, they'd have to actually run. There was no way Yoongi and Taehyung were going to let Jeongguk leave. The two were way too protective for that, way too scared for something to happen. Jeongguk was going to tell them he'd left once he reached Jimin's place. He just couldn't stay at the palace now. The boy felt like he wasn't trusted, as if Yoongi actually believed he was still a child. And Jeongguk felt pressured. He never realized it himself before, but the overprotectiveness was overwhelming, suffocating. He knew his brother didn't mean it the wrong way. It wasn't meant to hurt him. But it did. Jeongguk didn't want to be treated like he couldn't do anything by himself. And maybe, that's the reason why he wanted to sneak out so badly. Maybe he just wanted to make a point. Jeongguk was twenty-two, he was a grown man. If he wanted to, Jeongguk could take care of himself just fine. He didn't need Seojun or the two guards at all, even though he now actually appreciated the former's presence.

Jeongguk just wanted to make his point. However, he would only realise his mistake once it was too late.

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