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Adrianna Diaz

Today I went with mom and dad to the hospital for mom's dialysis and I made sure to have a talk with her doctor.

The doctor reassures me that I had nothing to worry about and that mom was going to live for a long time, but I knew better.

"Ah, you kids really worry about your mom. I already talked to your brother. He asked me a lot about your mom's health yesterday." the doctor told me and added his thoughts on how weirdly my "brother" looked with a baseball cap, sunglasses on and a black face mask like he was going to rob the place.

To my confusion, I told the doctor that I didn't have a brother and that I was an only child. I then leave the office and walk over to mom's room, stopping at the door to watch her get her treatments. I sigh and think about what the doctor just told me.


We pulled up to the house after the trip to the hospital and the grocery store. Dad and I took the bags back inside the house from the trunk as mom fixed the other bags that spilled the groceries.

I spot mom talking to a man outside. He had on a short afro hair, some sunglasses and a mustache.

"Mom! Get back inside!" I pushed mom inside the house.

"Why, Anna?" she asks.

"That man is dangerous!" I hissed.

"H-he was just helping with the bags." she defended him.

I closed the door once mom was inside the house and I stomped my way to Michael.

"What are you doing here?" I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"I was just passing by, Adie." he held up his hands and walked back to his car parked across the street.


Michael Jackson

I missed my mother-in-law which was why I decided to pass by this morning. It was lonely without her. Thankfully, I had work today to get my mind off it for a while. I headed to Westlake recording studios to meet with Quincy Jones and Rod Temperton to record a single we were going to release November this year.

Work began as soon as I entered the studio. Bruce Swedien had me record my vocals in different approaches, doubling takes and recording at different distances from the microphone. He even had me record some of the background vocals in the shower stall.

It was a busy afternoon for me and I was exhausted by the time I got home. I quickly retreated to my room and set down all my stuff before pulling out a bottle of liquor from my bag.

I had to smuggle it inside the house since mother and Joseph knew I don't drink. I have no plans on becoming an alcoholic but each day that passes, it was becoming hard for me. I don't why and I won't admit it to myself that I miss Adie and I am jealous of that lacrosse hunk. I miss my children. I miss my Prince and Paris.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask Prince.

"Mmhm." he nods and picks up the metal chess piece.

"Here we go! Good move!" I clap my hands.

"Daddy?" he calls picking up another chess piece.

"Yes?" I move a piece. "Your turn!"

"This is a world game." Prince sets down another piece on the board.

"Good move, applehead! Very good."

"Daddy, we should live in a castle like this!" Prince holds up the rook pointing at it.

"I know. I love that castle. Could we all fit in there?"

"Nuh-uh. We can't."

"Could I get in there?"

"Uh-uh you can't!" he puts the chess piece to his head proving to me that we couldn't fit in it. It was adorable.

"That castle's too small. We need a bigger castle."

"Yes. Here. You need it." he hands me the piece.

Paris sits down on the chair beside his brother.

"Paris, what do you wanna do today?" I ask her and she just looks at me with her beautiful big blue eyes. She was shy.

"Paris you wanna play a game?" Prince asks but she stays quiet.

I wipe off the tears from my eyes but they continue to fill as I'm overwhelmed by more memories of my children.

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