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Michael Jackson

*what really happened on this day in 1982*

Adrianna walks to her locker and notices the sticky note I stuck on it that instructed her to follow the trail of arrows on the floor. She did so and it lead her to the farthest bookshelf in the library. It stopped right below the red envelope that was sticking out on one of the books. I watch Adrianna from afar as she picks up the letter and reads it. A smile spreading on her face. Her reaction to it makes me overjoyed that I throw a fist in the air.

That day, I asked her to go out with with me to a place I knew where we could watch the moon and the stars. It was where I had asked her to be my girlfriend.

And it had just given me an idea.

"Donny..." I say into the telephone.

This was gonna be good...


Adrianna Diaz

Mom asked me to come with her to the park to jog this afternoon. I was all set with my pink sweatshirt, black leggings and white sneakers. She asked me to wait for her outside while she makes sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

I was busy minding my own business waiting when two men grabbed me and threw me into a black van.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!?!" I shouted, breathing rapidly.

"Chill." a girl tapped my shoulder lightly from behind and I see Merle. She smiles at me.

I notice the two men who grabbed me were Donny and Darryl. Stacey was right beside me and Michael was driving.

"We're having a spontaneous trip before Stacey leaves the country. I asked a team of people to track your friend down." Michael smiles at me through the rearview mirror.
Stacey explains she didn't want to see us before she left because she was scared and she couldn't handle to leave us but with some encouragement from Michael, here we are on a trip before she goes.

I was hesitant at first but because of everyone's excitement, I might as well have some fun.

Michael has now been driving for hours looking for the campsite that Donny can't find on the map. Finally, he pulls up in an empty lot so we can all rest for the night. Everyone was complaining they were hungry and tired anyways.

Luckily, Michael came prepared and shows us the supplies he had in the trunk and it seemed like he bought an entire cooler of pork.

Soon, everyone was having a nice dinner around the campfire and we had our little karaoke session, all of us laughing and just having a good time together.

That is until Donny and Merle decided to sing You Are The Sunshine of My Life by Stevie Wonder. My smile falls and think back on my wedding day when they both performed that very song for me and Michael.

As I remember how happy and in love we've been that day,Michael and I steal glances at each other with wistful looks in our eyes but all we can really do is sit there and suppress our tears.


Michael Jackson

The next morning, we all wake up with scribbles on our faces. Adrianna was trying to clean her face and I laugh at how cute she looked. Stacey irritatingly stared at me and asked if she could go to the van ahead of us and use the car phone.

Soon we all continue our journey. We were nearing our next destination and I had been checking Adrianna through the rearview mirror for the tenth time and I smile, seeing her happy face as she looks out the ocean.

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