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Conversation with blue.skies has been opened

Hey Dani, how are you?

Hi Jo, I'm great.

How are you doing today?

I'm good, why are you so happy?

I got the lead in the fall play!

That's awesome! What's the play?

It's an original play written by some senior named Corbyn


Yeah I think that's what he said his name was

You met him?

Yeah, why?

Listen I know we just met but please be careful around him, hes not the best person

What do you mean? He seemed like a nice guy

Seemed, key word. Trust me in this Dani

Why do you hate him so much?

It's a long story

I've got time

Could I call? I dont wanna tell you over text

Of course

Calling blue.skies

Why am I so nervous? It's just Dani. I can trust him. I'll be fine.
"Hey Jonah, are you okay?" I hear his voice for the first time. Its angelic, a voice that matches his face.
"Hello?" He asks again.
"Sorry I zoned out." I tell him.
"Thays totally fine, Jo." He reassures me.
"So uh, " I stutter out.
"Are you sure you wanna tell me. You dont have to." He says.
"Yeah, I think I can" I reply putting my phone on speaker so I can pace my room.
"I'm ready to listen then." He says.
"Okay so back in sophomore year. Corybn and I dated. I loved him so damn much. Until one day when I was walking to class I heard his voice. I shouldn't have followed it but I did. I found Corybn with some random senior making out. I was so heartbroken, I couldn't move. After they stopped, the guy asked Corybn when he was breaking up with me. Corybn then replied that he wasnt sure. The dude was then like 'Dont tell me you've caught feelings for the guy? Hes just a bet Corybn.' I was hurt. I was just a bet. Just a silly little game for him to play. I ran off before Corybn replied. The next day I broke up with him. I never told him why. " I finish my story with tears in my eyes.
"Oh my God Jonah, thays awful. I'm sorry he did that to you." He says.
"Its fine, I just dont want him to hurt you. I care about you." I tell him.
"I know and I wont talk to him outside the play." He reassures me.
"Thanks Dani, but I cant control your life." I say.
"I know that but I dont wanna make you sad." He says, I cant help but smile.
"You could never, besides he's my neighbour, so that usually ruins my day." I tell him.
"Damn that must suck." He says.
"Yeah but talking to you recently has helped me." I say.
"Glad I can help." He laughs.
Theres a knocking at the door.
"Thata weird." I say.
"What is?" He asks.
"Someone is at the door but I'm not expecting anyone." I explain.
"Maybe you should see who it is. It could be important." He tells me.
"Maybe." I say. I grab my phone and head downstairs. I open the door and see a girl.
"Good evening, I have a delivery here for ," she says looking down at her clipboard. "Jojo Bear?"
"Oh uh thanks." I say to her, grabbing the package. I close my door and head to the living room.
"Dani what did you do?" I ask.
"Nothing." He says, I can hear the smile in his voice.
"Can we video chat? I wanna see your reaction to this!" He says.
"Sure." I say.

Incoming Videochat request from blue.skies

Accept or Decline

As soon as I pressed accept, Daniels face appeared on my screen. He looked so cute, his hair was a mess, his smile so bright.
"You look so cute right now." I accidentally let slip.
"Thanks, but I don't. I've been sleeping all day." He tells me.
"Well I think you're cute no matter what." I say, his face becoming red.
"Whatever, just open the box." He says, hiding his face.
"Fine." I say. I set my phone on the couch and sit on the floor, the box on my lap.
Daniel looks excited as I start to open it.
"Oh My God Dani! How did you know I loved coffee?" I ask him shocked. The whole box was full of coffee bags.
"You mentioned it one day. You had told me that you lived on coffee, but that day you had run out of coffee. After that conversation I may have ordered you a shit ton of coffee." He explains.
"This is enough coffee is last me a few months. Thank you so much." I say a smile present on my face.
"You're welcome." He says, just then there is another knock on the door.
"I'll be right back." I tell him and get up.
I open the door and see a man, maybe a year or two older than me. He was wearing a door dash hat and had a bag of something.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi, I have food here for Jojo." He tells me.
"I don't remember ordering anything." I say.
"You didn't this is from your partner on the Trouvaille app." He explains.
"Seriously?" I question.
"Yup says right here on the receipt." He says showing me the receipt.
"I'm gonna kill him." I joke.
"I think its sweet. I meet my girlfriend on that app." He tells me.
"Really, that's so cool." I say.
"Yeah, we were partners and once the year was over we didn't want to stop texting and hanging out." He says, a large smile on his face.
"Well have a good night." I tell him, grabbing the bag and waving goodbye.
"You too." He says walking off.
"Daniel what did you get me this time?" I ask.
"I dont know what you mean." He says, his smile larger than before.
"The delivery guy told me you bought it Dani." I tell him.
"Damn." He laughs.
"When did you order this?" I ask.
"When you were telling me what Corbyn did. You were crying and I wanted to cheer you up." He tells me.
"Aw that's sweet." I say.
"Anything for you." He says. "Now eat."
I open the bag, there is ice cream, brownies, and a coke.
"You really are sweet Dani." I tell him.
"I try." He says smugly.
"How much money have you spent on me? I feel bad." I say, opening the coke.
"That's not important. You are worth every penny." He says.
"I'm really not, but thank you." I say.
I hear someone yell Daniel.
"Um I gotta go. It was nice talking to you." He says.
"Yeah, we should do this more often" I say.
"We should." He says smiling.
I wave goodbye and hang up.
Why am I sad now that hes gone?

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