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Tagged ; z.rosey

Liked by jack_skates, z.rosey and 194 others
Starry.night Met my Trouvaille partner the other day, I think he's pretty cool.
jack_skates do you think he's pretty?
jack_skates who took this photo?
z.rosey @jack_skates we asked an old lady who was passing by if she would
Starry.night @jack_skates Jack Robert Avery, I will kill you and then your whole bloodline
Starry.night @jack_skates actually I take that back, your little sisters are adorable and I love your mom. Guess your the only one dying. :)
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So I'm meeting my partner today

I'm a little nervous

It'll be fine, promise

Thanks, I'm just scared. What if he doesn't like me?

He obviously likes you Jack, he asked you on a date.

I know but still

Its gonna be fine

Now get off your phone, you need to pay attention in class

I put my phone in my pocket and listen to Ms.Williams talk about the stages of Meiosis. I was a teaching aid, so I didnt really have to do anything. The class was full of many sophomores, most who thought they were above the rest of them.
I sat at her desk. Often I would grade papers or help a student when they were confused. Today was no different. It was only the 3rd week of school, but it like longer.
"Um excuse me, Ms.Williams?" I hear a familiar voice say at the front of the class. My head stays down though.
"Ah Mr.Herron! Do you need something?" She asks the boy. Herron that's Zachs last name.
"Corybn Besson is needed in the office." He tells her, my head shooting up. I don't recall doing anything that would get me sent there.
"Oh okay. Corybn go to the office." She tells me.
I get up and head to the door. She hands me a hall pass and I walk out the classroom.
"What am I needed for Zay." I ask the younger boy, meeting his eyes.
"Nothing." He tells me smiling.
"What do you mean nothing? You just told Ms.Williams I was needed." I say.
He smiles wider.
"I know, I just wanted to see you" He replies.
"And whys that?" I ask. Soon I'm being pulled by my wrist, Zach running toward a bathroom.
Its completely empty, being as class is still in session.
"To do this." He says, before leaning in. Our faces only an inch apart. I feel his breath on my lips. Our eyes meet again. He looks down at my lips, asking for permission, I nod my head.
The kiss is electrifying. The butterflies in my stomach only grow stronger as the kiss deepens. Soon I find my hands on his hips; his hands find their way in my hair, tugging at it.
We pull apart for air, a smile present on both of our faces.
"I liked that." He says, his face now a few inches away.
"Me too, we should do it again." I tell him.
"I would love to, but you need to get back to class." He says.
"Ugh I dont wanna." I whine.
"How about we go a date tomorrow?" He suggests.
"Why cant we tonight?" I ask.
"I've got a thing with Dani tonight." He explains.
"Saturday sounds great then." I reply.
"Perfect, I can't wait." He says.
I kiss him again, catching him of guard. He kisses back quickly, moaning into the kiss, but pulls away shortly after.
"Corbs, you gotta get back to class." He says.
"About that, how did you know what class I was in?" I ask the boy, his cheeks get more red.
"I uh, I kinda got on Mr.Smiths computer and looked you up." Je says, his face in his hands.
"Aw that's really sweet. You should get me out of class more often." I wink.
"Maybe I will." He says.
"Guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I say.
"Yep meet me at the park around 2pm." He replies.
"Sounds great." I say. I give him a goodbye kiss before heading back to class.
Man I wish it was Saturday all ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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