LOVE is being With you

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Next Day

In Evening

On Call

Aisha: yeah don't worry I'll be returned at 8:00

Hira: are you sure ?? You know naw ... If you'll late then .....

Aisha cutted her line

Aisha: afcors I'll be there .. you know I'm very responsible she smiled

Hira: yeah yeah!! I know how much responsible you are she chuckled

Aisha: stop this now !! Am getting late

Hira: ok ok bu-byee

Aisha hung up the call saying  byee

Aisha's POV

Ohh God !! What should I wear ?? She was continuesly throwing her dresses out of cupboard on bed and some on floor ... I think I should go for shopping first she mumbled to herself but at same time she looked at watch " ohh there's not enough time " again start destroying her cupboard " yeah it looks better I think I should go for this" she moved towards washroom & take her dress to change ... within an hour she's ready to go out for a bollywood movie with saad

He asked her for movie last night and she said yes for this now after uni she had short time to get ready on other side hira jess and hussain are busy in rehearsal as play was on next day

with sound of horn "horn !! Huff too punctual haan" she smiled and said to herself  and steeped out of her appartment

When I came out of my appartment , Saad was in car then door opened and he moved out of car in black button shirt wearing grey sweater with grey jeans and afcors his as usual cute smile , I couldn't stop my smile that appear on my face "aisha stop smilling what are you doing, be in reality " she mumbled to herself ... I took my steps towards him and then he gently open the door for me and complemented me " you are looking beautiful as usual "

And afcors smile appear on my face and I felt my cheeks turn red

In Car

Saad: so which movie you prefer ?? Romantic or......

He was about to say something when aisha cutt

Aisha : No.. nhi means I love Thriller she stuttered
Hufff aisha not bad haan , good work you change the movie otherwise it would be so difficult to manage for me  she mumbled to herself

Saad: ok as you wish mam he smiled

Saad's POV

I saw her comming out of appartment in long sleeve dark green chiffon button up with black skiny jeans as always she was looking perfect I couldn't stop myself to compliment her ... when I asked her about movie I could feel her hesitation on romantic movie so I go through with the thriller one

We are in theater now , I took tickets and both of us get our seats ... movie started .... but what I was looking??? Movie ?? Afcors not  ... I was looking at her , she was so nervous at every horror scene and her hands gripped around my arm at every thriller scene and her eyes .. well her eyes was so tightly closed in whole scene after scene she realized what she was gripping and slightly in nervousness she free my arm ... All the time I did one  thing that was Smile on seeing her expressions ....

After Movie

Saad: I think you are not so brave to tackle thriller scenes then why you choose this one ??

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