Chapter 1: Welcome to New York

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After 2 hours stuck in Heathrow Airport due delay, I finally made it to LaGuardia Airport without luggage unfortunately. Still I am now ready to start my short american adventure, the smell of alcohol, sweat and dad farts in the crowded airport, only made the outside world even more inviting.

Everything was exactly as i remembered it from our short flight to Greece, this flight just so much longer and way more hectic than I remember the last to be, maybe because i was a kid and didn't have to think about anything, that's what parents are for, right. But now, no more mom and dad to guide me through, another reason for this trip. Independence.

Getting through security always scared me, i have no criminal record, have all papers in check, but still I feel uneasy with all the control they make. I thought it was supposed to make you feel safer, but still i find my hands sweaty from excessive overthinking. My specialty. 

Even though the airport security team was very professional and let anyone around me through and into the country - with no trouble at all, i still felt my heartbeat increase drastically as the line in front of me slowly but surely disappeared. I held my red passport tightly along with my printed ESTA checking my information on there a million times to make sure a stupid mixup hadn't accured.

The printed ESTA wasn't necessary at all, but i didn't have the nerve to take any chances at all, being trapped here, of all places, is on top 3 of worst case travel scenarios, only topped by: 1. being kidnapped and sold to some psychopath and 2. Being kicked out by Chelse and being left alone in a foreign country.

Thinking about it, there's a lot of risks being taken here. Hopefully it'll be worth it. It took a year to convince me to come, and still here i am opting the pro and cons of going.

What if they asked me about who the third king of Denmark was or ask me anything about home actually, i'm not supposed to know these stuff, that's what the internet is for. I simply can't do history, I barely know who rule the country for XXX sake, besides the royal family, weirdly enough I have a big knowledge about that, the current ones to clarify, not that anyone ever asks - or cares for that matter.

The family of 4 in line standing in front of me, parents with toddlers, stepped forward to take their turn at the last security check. I observed their every move and felt myself relax when the uniformed man behind the counter smiled at them, it made me relax even further when they smiled back and stepped out on the other side, finally able to move on with their lives outside the airport, an outside world i haven't seen in far too long.

"Next", my eyes met with the security guard manouvering the lines. We gave me a nod signaling it was my turn. Passport and ESTA in hand, my travel bag in the other, deep breath and then i made my way up to the counter, looking the uniformed man who smiled not long before, hoping he still was. I went through it in my head over and over, look him in the eyes - you have nothing to hide and smile and then you're out, that's it.

But he didn't, even when i awkwardly smiled at him. No smile in return, which only made me more nervous. "Your passport and documents here please" he finally completely monotone, as if he really didn't give a fuck about me. I hurried to do as told, too scared not to do it fast enough for his liking. He studied my papers and passport closely, then looked up at me, repeating that action a few times, making me swallow a lump in i throat i didn't know was there. "You can go through" He finally announced giving me a smile, at that exact second i could have fallen to my knees thanking the higher powers.

Now off for new adventures, at least for the time being. New York here i come! The doors couldn't open fast enough for my liking, only to enter.. a very wet rainy day in New York, not that i haven't heard of it, i just didn't expect it for my first and possibly last visit here, i wanted to experience the glory of New York. After all a month here isn't that long, potentially it could be a week stuck in an apartment in the center of New York, at least that's where i imagined she'll be living.

"Em!", oh how i missed that voice, the bubbly brunette jumped at me and hugged me tight "It's so good to see you Chelse". I hugged her like there was no tomorrow, "gosh i missed you" i told her honestly, she leaned back and started walking towards the parking hall "I can't wait to show you everything! and look at you, you left home! who would have believed that? Em exploring the world". I slapped her jokingly "you! don't make me regret it" and i meant that, more than anyone will ever know.

As we drove up to her apartment she shared with two friends, we talked about her life here and how she's been since she went back home. It had been 6 months since she returned home, and even though we've facetimed a couple of times a week and send messages back and forth, we still missed out on a lot in each others lives. But as expected it felt like we hadn't been apart the second we saw each other. That connection is golden.

Everyone deserves a Chelsea in their lives, i got mine, and for sure i'm never letting go of her, things were just less complicated when she was the one to leave her surroundings to visit me. Standing in her position now, i had a hard time imagining how she did this with such ease over and over again. All this hassle to see us.

Like i said, she is golden.

"The others are gone for tonight, so get in your PJ's - we're going to have a marathon" Friends for sure, we've seen it all, know the lines, but who cares, it's good, it's old, it's nostalgic, and for us it's memories laying in bed every thursday night having marathons like these.

I missed this, how lucky am i to be here? 

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