Chapter 3: The American Experience

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At the time we were home, around 5 pm, Chelse and I went to a local coffeeshop nearby, to enjoy a few hours with her friends from home. They were all very chatty, and very interested in my life at home, Denmark of all places. They sounded sincere, but come on! it's not like i'm from somewhere exciting, doubt they've heard of it other than me coming from there and Chelses stay, it's not exactly the talk of the world.

Two of her closest girl friends were there, Adri and Bells. I've heard of them multiple times before and seen pictures - plenty actually, but this was the first time i actually met them and heard their voices, which is always odd as you make sudden assumptions about a person from how they looked, and they didn't comply to that at all. I always imagined them somewhat reserved and snubbed, but they were the exact opposite, i felt ashamed for even thinking that. I don't even know where that assumption came from, but it was but to shame for sure.

Adrianna the oldest of them, and studied hard math, she dreamed of working in finance, but not a bank. That was clarified quickly, but what it exactly involved i never really understood. And Bells was studying english litterature, she sure is going places, the fancy words that left her mouth as she explained further about her studies and future job opportunities, was either very hard english to understand or plainly rubbish. Most likely the first, I know english, i can speak english, write english - i was taught by F.R.i.E.N.D.S, what better teacher than a group of americans who you could watch on repeat for 10 seasons straight?

It was obvious why Chelse was so fond of them, they were so nice and warmhearted people with sincere interest for each other and the people around them, generally my impression was that Chelse was surrounded by kind nice people. I liked them a lot, so much that i liked to consider myself a potential addition to the group, and that says a lot. I was very happy to meet people, at least i knew 3 people in school right now.

We decided to head to dinner together, what is more american that Taco Bell? The talk changed to the changes of me moving here for good. "I think i'm a small town girl, but i like it here, i never really considered it" i answered truthfully, could i move here for good, was that an option? "It would be much easier if you just met your soulmate here, what then?" Bells asked. I never in a billlion years considered that, i always doubted i even had one, no signs so far. But what if my soulmate was here? "I don't know". But I couldn't meet my soulmate here, what are the chances?

The days went by with school which was fairly okay, it wasn't easy, but with Adri, Bells and Chelse, I never really felt alone, and the rest had welcomed me with open arms.

After school, we did the tourist stuff, we went on a boat tour to sail around the statue of liberty, went too times square and went to the biggest mall i've ever seen, i had no clue beforehand that a mall could be this big. Luckily i had saved up for the trip, but it was just much easier to spend the money than earn them, who would have thought?

Friday and the event at the tower was only a day away and i grew more nervous every time i thought about it, i've never been to a formal event where you have to wear such expensive and formal attire. Prom doesn't really count, that's more you know.. not that league.

"I was thinking, we should go to an american football game, that's a must do in america i've heard, we could ask Bells and Adri to join us and make a girls trip?" I nodded and smiled like a maniac "I would love that very much".

Chelsea parents invited us out to dinner at a nice restaurant, with huge burgers might i add. Just like there you see in movies. They really wanted to give me the american experience. As we weren't 21 yet, we couldn't get an alcoholic beverage to go with the food as we usually would. We gave each other that symphonic look, it felt like we had become kids again. But well, rules are rules. My parents wouldn't mind, i've been allowed to drink for many years, but it's not an essential to have a good time, so it's cool, it was just odd.

After that  we went to get dessert from the very own Carlos Bakery, if that isn't any girls dream, then what is! Not sure if it's because of the brand or it's just that good, but damn they can bake. No wonder they have a TV-show.

I send all my snapchat contacts a picture as i stood starstruck in the store looking at the staff i very much recognized from TV, what i wouldn't do to get a selfie with Carlos himself, sadly he weren't there. My Instagram got updated in there as well, this along with Taco Bell and the obvious reason for coming here, Chelse, has been my by far favourite things about this trip so far. Because of those i am saddened the days are flying by so fast.

Chelses parents Amara and Dave treated me like a second daughter and it felt so natural, just like Chelse with my parents. Chelsea spend two times a semester and a whole summer with us while she studied history, more precisely for her research on vikings, it was cool to learn about vikings from an 'insiders' perspective, she knew everything about them, how they lived, how they travelled and gave me a great tour around the country to see all the remains and historical locations from that time. She got her historical interest from her father, while her mother worked as a therapist.

"So Em, have you enjoyed your stay so far?" Dave asked kindly as we all sat around the table completely full. "Very much, thank you for having me over and making me feel welcome", "nonsense, we consider you family, you're welcome any time! We are so happy to have you here" Dave's words warmed my heart, "thanks" was the only response i could get out, he literally gave the kindest declaration, and i couldn't find anything to say other than thanks.

"Always honey, anytime, we're so thankful to have you in our and our daughters life" Amara added while she took my hand in hers, Chelse was family, and her family was family, if that makes sense.

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