Chapter 2: The Invitation

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"Em, sorry but we have company" not the best way to wake in the morning. It took me a second to register Chelses words, as i turned around in bed lazily opened an eye expecting Chelse to elaborate, company? Chelse was quick to leave the bedroom again, leaving me alone to get dressed. I went into her closet and found a light blue summerdress hoping the weather forecast today would be as it was predicted and i prepared for.

Braids was my special thing, 2 dutch braids starting in the front and following the sides - at that point i'm pretty basic. Small town girl, small country, the most normal education, guess i'm generally just really basic.

I left to find the bubbly brunette, which was fairly easy in an apartment the size of my livingroom only a bit bigger if even. But i get it, must be costly to live here and not because of the size of the apartment or interior or anything like that - simply because it's New York. Should be everyones dream to live here, right? But i think visiting suits me much better.

Chelse was standing in the small kitchen with 2 middleaged people i quickly recognized as her parents. I walked to them to shake their hands, "Hi, I'm".. "Emilia, it's so good to finally meet you in person, how was your flight?" her mother Amara had these kind eyes, warm ones, you instantly know how warm she is as a person and gives off the vibe that she wants you no harm in life. "It was good" i answered.

"Anything planned for your stay?" Amara asked curiously, "We're going to the must sees today, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and Times Square etcetera etcetera" Chelse answered as if those where the places to see. I should have done some research before the trip, but i didn't, and now i wholeheartedly trust Chelse to impress me and give me a reason to come back.

Chelses dad slung caringly his arm around his daughters shoulders, she was a tall girl, half a head taller than myself, but beside her dad she no longer was badass Chelse, up for adventure, she was daddy's girl. The bond between them was obvious, but with Chelse being an only child it explained it. It reminded me of my bond with my parents, but then again, i'm an only child as well.

"You should come to the opening of the tower on friday, that'll be some experience you don't want to miss out on", Chelses eyes opened in surprise as she looked up at her dad "can you get us in?" she was too estatic and excited to stand still after he said that, slightly jumping up and down, obviously trying to calm her inner excitement. He smiled "of course". Chelse pushed her parents out the door after they planned the tower event, and agreed the parents would order a cap, and the girls should be ready to be picked up at the apartment at 5 pm on friday.

"The tower?" i finally dared to ask, it just seemed as it was already given, like i missed something obvious. "The Avenger tower", I've heard of them, i haven't been living under a rock. But they might be bigger here, they've saved the world i know that part. "They've built a tower for the Avengers, right beside the Stark tower" Chelse eleborated.

The Avengers are bigger and more seen here, they haven't exactly really been in Denmark, they kinda stick to the american theme. Either Villains and whoever they fight are more common in America, or New York to shrink it down - or else the Avengers have the same effect as a magnet, attracting the bad guys. Either way, that's how it is, they are here.

Chelsea seemed to be a big fan of them, but i knew this, she used to talk about them all the time, and when they announced the mate stuff she was over the moon. Her smile reached her eyes, "It's the main event this year, they're all coming, everyone who's something are going" she gushered, "and we're going to meet them" she added as if that was the wishful thinking at least.

So i will get a glimpse of them. My uncle Nicolas would be so jealous when i call home and tell him, he is the biggest fan i know, Iron Man is his favourite, that's why i know his name. He is the one i know the most about, for that exact reason.

Instead of the original plan to go sightseeing we went shopping, not only did we have the event at the tower, but school was starting in 2 days, monday. I spun around in the yellow floor length dress, "fabulous" i winked at her before we broke into laughter, "not that one, next", "seriously, they're all fine" i assured her annoyed at the dress rehearsal, so far 8 dresses tried on, with many to go, "Sure they're fine, but today we're going for beautiful, stunning and flawless" she rolled her eyes at me.

I lost count, but finally i found it, and i felt beautiful, she was right when she said you'll know when you see it, not that i will admit it to her. I paid for the golden dress, her a black, both similar. And now it was stored in her closet for the big night right beside mine. Along with a pair of matching heels.

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