Chasing the Enemy

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Words needed to use: Demon, bystander, parakeet, escaped, destiny, hammer, singing, ash, cathedral, heels

I stood on the cliff side, a scowl written in my face, below me is a simple fishing town, with HIM. The so called "hero". My parakeet, Scarlet, perched on my shoulder as she cawed into my curved ears. The sparking war hammer of woe curled against my talons as I snarl in disgust, watching the man in white walk along the gravel road below. Scarlet caws loudly as I shush her, a memory dancing across my vision.

I was a young lad then, nothing wrong with me. I tried to help my priest in my local town cathedral in that fishing town. As I walked closer and closer, I heard a wail of fear inside the cathedral. I was a mere bystander back in my youth. As I flung the door open, I saw the woman screaming louder, "There he is! The demon! Get it out of here!" I was confused, I did nothing wrong to this woman. Suddenly, I started to feel my body get licked with heat, a disgusting disturbance shivered down my spine as I saw claws and fur around my hands, now closer resembling paws. The priest I went to help gasped and grabbed a shotgun near a pew, him glaring.

I knew what was in that gun. It's for self defense I suppose. Our little town was always rumored to be attacked by werewolves, I didn't believe it till I looked at myself. Only creature I know to have fur and a burning rage pooling into there stomachs, is those beings, one that I am now.

I snarled as Scarlet caws loudly into my ear to snap me out of my trance. I smile at her through the fangs, patting her head gently as a gratitude gesture. This is my destiny now I suppose. A beast that everyone hates and fears, even if they didn't even attack. I was scared of myself at the time, of that gun. I close my eyes to remember again.

The smoke and ash clouds in the distance as I ran from my home town frightened me as an oozing wound poured from my thigh. The hissing pain of the silver bullet melting my flesh ringing into my ears. A man with plantium blonde hair barely holding the gun, revenging his father. For he had a heart attack as I lunged at him in that cathedral to get the gun away from me. I barely escaped him the first time, now I have to escape his son?! My teeth bared and ready as I barely told onto two feet again, yet, I fall helplessly into the dirt road as the man walked closer to me. He simply shot into the air, making the gunshot echo through the wind as he screamed something at me. All I knew was I had to RUN!

Yet again, my little cutie for a parakeet screeches into my ear to snap me out of the trance. I nod as I hold my arm out, letting her heel like claws clack and grip onto my furred arm. She caws as she flies up and into the town. I fallow her movements as she enters the town. Her red feathers blending in with the festival lights and silks. For the festival, was to memorate the great feat the "hero" did. He simply got a festival for defeating the "big bad wolf." Its saddens me. I would of preferred him to KILL me the let his pity clutch me like shackles on a prisoners ankles.

I sigh at the festival peoples in it. The singing, dancing, feasting. If I wasn't the demon of legend, if I wasn't this mutt, if it was someone else, I could be there, with my family, with my friends, with ANYONE I could relate to! But no, my curse had to ruin me. I still don't understand how and why I'm the once to be this- this MONGREL! A snarl of sorrow and bitterness escapes my throat as I catch glimpse of that platinum blonde hair again. He's the one who ruined MY life. I ruined NO ONES! Sure that old priest of a father died of a heart attack but he could of died form one any day! Yet I WAS BLAMED! ALL I DID WAS EXIST AND EVERYONE HATES ME!-

I come back form the whimper from behind me. I growl as my paws hit the cliff grass. My eyes widened in shock.

"Damien...I'm so sorry."

(And I ran out of time XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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