Beloved Fae - II

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Four months after the house in the Rockies had been finished, and Trius felt like he might need the benefit of his sire's advice.

When he first thought to move to the woods, it had been with the plan of distancing himself from others. He was a solitary person and, with the ever-increasing members of humanity encroaching on his last home, he'd decided it was time for a change. So, he'd scouted locations from the air over this part of the world and had found the perfect place for him to settle.

The house wasn't large, but it was well-equipped for him. He had room to permit guests in the event some of his longtime acquaintances or old coven-mates decided to visit. He had a walk-in fridge that was specially crafted for handling blood. And, best of all, he had peace.

Now, as he walked through his front door after a hunting trip, he once more smelled the faintest scent of something perfect. The house itself, as of the first day of his occupancy, had smelled of home. Although it was subtle and slight, the scent was such that the beast in him craved it.

He might have intended to gain some distance from others, but he'd never planned to become a full-on hermit. Nevertheless, the way he felt about his home was turning him into one. Day after day, he felt pulled to return. Trips to town became infrequent and even movement outside was lessening.

Quite frankly, he could stay indoors, smelling whatever it was that teased at his senses, for eternity.

Grumbling at himself as he stripped of his clothing and walked toward the shower in the master bedroom, Trius struggled to understand. His beast had been nearly inconsolable when he'd left earlier. Trius had thought that the need to hunt was getting to him, so he'd gone in search of a stag or something. As it turned out, being separated from his home caused even more angst in the back of his mind.

Willing himself to calm down, Trius entered the shower stall and turned the heat up. Letting the dirt and grime of the forest ease off of his form, he thought carefully. His beast and he were not able to communicate with words. Feelings slipped through, but those feelings weren't always easily deciphered.

As he stood in the shower, however, his beast suddenly reared up. His fangs descended and anticipation overwhelmed him as he flung himself from the shower. The scent had increased.

Slowing his heartrate, Trius listened. He would have heard someone enter through his door, but there was a window near the study he'd left open. Near it, there was the faint sound of a flutter.

Someone was here.

Stalking swiftly and silently, Trius moved to the opposite side of his house. His naked body was dripping, but the carpet absorbed the sound as he slipped into the room housing his books. His eyes widening to take in the darkness, he noted that the window had not shifted. Nevertheless, that perfect scent was strong in here.

Beloved, his mind resounded, his beast speaking directly for the first time. Trius's heart began to thunder as he quickly ran to the window and shut it. He didn't know how his beloved had entered, but he couldn't allow them to leave, now.

The sound of the closing window caused a small flurry of movement off to Trius' right. He turned to it, his predatory eyes memorizing everything as he sought the cause. Seconds passed before he found it; before he found her.

Hiding slightly behind a bookend along the top shelf, Trius saw a three-inch tall fairy. She was wearing close fitting, darker material and her translucent wings were quivering in her attempt to remain still. She had dark hair and large eyes and her tiny form was curvy and perfect.

"Do not fear me, Beloved," Trius said softly, command in his tone. He'd rather have talked normally, but her wings suggested that she was afraid and he didn't want to exacerbate the emotion.

"I'll never harm you," he vowed. Leaning over, he flicked a table lamp on, permitting him to see her better.

Her hair was a jet, coal black. It was likely long, but had been put into a bun near the top of her head. Her clothing was a deep, forest green and it clung to her lovingly. Her eyes were dark and her skin was creamy. Given the size of her in fairy form, he'd guess that she would be about four foot ten once transformed. It would mean he'd tower over her, but that was the nature of things generally. He was, after all, quite large.

"Please, Beloved," he said, raising a hand. He left it, palm open, and waited.

She cocked her head at him as her wings settled over her shoulder. Although she raised a thumb to flick with her teeth, she seemed to be losing her anxiousness. Trius nodded slowly, raising his palm another centimeter in welcome.

Cautiously, his beloved flew to him. She hovered over his palm for a second, her eyes searching his. Then, with the lightest of touches, she landed.

Trius knew his eyes would be rimmed with red as he looked at her. His beast was clawing at his mind, desperate for his beloved as much as he was. This was why his home had been such a draw. She'd been visiting him, leaving a tiny scent trail to torture his senses.

"I'm Trius," he said, slowly raising his hand to look closer at her.

"My name is Flora," she responded, her voice small and sweet.

Trius swallowed hard as the sound caused a shiver to wrack his form. He'd been told of how a beloved would make a vampire feel, but he'd lacked the experience to understand it fully. As her words sank into him, he felt excited and calm, lustful and protective.

"Do you know who you are to me, Flora?" he asked softly, willing her to understand.

She was fae, so he had hope that she would already comprehend the importance of their bond. His knees nearly gave out as she nodded, a small smile gracing her lips. She bit the bottom one before she spoke.

"I think you are my soulmate," she said.

"Yes, little one," he answered. "And I am desperate to hold you closer," he admitted, his voice roughening as his beast pushed through.

Flora seemed to breathe deeply before she nodded and her wings lifted her off of his hand. He took a step toward her, unable to help the reaction, as she backed. Forcing his feet to stop, he watched as sparkles filled the room and Flora appeared.

As he'd thought, she was under five foot tall. Her head was tilted to the side, her smile shy, as she looked at him. He nearly growled in need, however, when he saw her eyes linger over his still-naked body.

A body that responded immediately to her gaze.

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