12. A Holiday, Men?

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12. A Holiday, Men?

One day Chris told me that she and Yvonne were planning a holiday and asked if Saskia and I would like to go, I said yes without even checking with Saskia first. Luckily she was thrilled by the idea. One evening the four of us got together and poured over holiday brochures and searched the internet. We finally decided on Amalfi in Italy, there was a small hotel that the brochure said was an old spaghetti factory.

It was also an excuse, as if one was needed, to go shopping for summer clothes. I bought myself a couple of skimpy bikinis. I would never have been brave enough to wear them here, but the thought of beaches made me want to show off. The day of the holiday finally arrived. We departed from Heathrow and flew to Naples. From the airport, it was a two-hour drive along a twisty and precipitous coast road. We stopped at various holiday destinations dropping other people off, we were the only ones for Amalfi.

Because of the narrow streets, we were collected in a golf buggy, with the luggage going in its own little trailer. After checking in we were shown to our rooms. The hotel was a lot quainter than we expected, it was on many levels and partially built into the hillside. Our two rooms were on a shady roof terrace that few people used. Perfect for relaxing.

We did all the touristy things visiting Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. Those ancient Romans knew how to signpost the way to the local attractions. We giggled as we followed the carved penises. We started playing at what is the plural of penis, was it penises, penii or penes? Then we played what is the collective term for penises, 'a flock of cocks', a 'peck of peckers', we settled for 'a stand of penii'

Who cares we were having fun. The penises led us to the Roman brothel, where Yvonne leapt onto one of the stone couches and pretended to be a Roman prostitute welcoming her clients.  That earned us a disapproving look from a group of German tourists, which only cracked us up even more.

We went to one of the small coves, to explore the beach facilities. The Italians do like an organised beach, there were blocks of coloured umbrellas and loungers, each little concession having their own colour scheme. We hired four loungers and two umbrellas for the day. We planned to do some serious tanning. The staff were on hand to bring us drinks or food whenever we wanted. Other groups and families around were happy keeping an eye on our belonging when we went for a swim. It felt safe. I even plucked up the courage to go topless. Men didn't seem to ogle me it felt more like an appreciative look that they gave me. I don't know if it was the holiday, the sun, the sea, drink, just being more relaxed or growing in confidence with my body, but I was enjoying the attention.

It wasn't long before some men started flirting with us, this didn't feel like home where men seemed in a rush to get in your pants. These men were taking their time to get to know us, weren't upset if their advances didn't get them anywhere, they just carried on with the light-hearted banter. I have to admit I was enjoying this and was certainly tempted.

However, I was on holiday with my girlfriend and would in no way upset her and spoil the holiday for all of us. I think Saskia knew I was tempted because I was more attentive to her needs and desires during our lovemaking, or maybe I was just extra randy.

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