#8 The Plan [Part one]

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"Playah, aren't you to young to you know..." Ivy said, confused. "You look like, 10."

"Im actually 15, thank you very much." Player rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, okay."


Adam was walking home from work, and he went home.

"What do you mean you let her go?'' a voice blasted into his eardrum.

"I let her go, I actually felt like she was, I don't know." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Actually my daughter, and not just some random kid that you want back ." The person he was talking to was Coach Brunt.

Adam realized what he said was probably a mistake "I'm sorry, I promise I won't let her go again."

"You better not, or your head will be on the wall." Coach Brunt then hung up the call.

"I mean, I can't go 'take care of her' as her 
Dad. Like WHAT?" Adam mumbled and then opened the door.
"Wait I have a idea, a good idea."

Adam started creating a mask so that Nadia wouldn't recognize him.


Nadia was on her plane ride home, and Adam told her he would pick her up.

But she didn't realize.

Haha cliffhanger, I hope.

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