The Plan [Part Two]

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"Black Sheep, here's your new friend." Coach Brunt said showing young black sheep Black Panther, also known as Nadia. "Hi, I'm Nad- Black Panther." She said.
They shook hands, "I'm Black Sheep!" She energetically shook her hand.
Black Panther giggled.

"Look really sorry about this." Adam said, in his mask.
Nadia shrugged.
"Getting kidnapped is my specialty, so where we headed." She decided to get comfy, she had a feeling this kidnapper wasn't going to hurt her.

"Where are we- Look kid, screw off I'm not telling you anything until it's the right time." He said, shutting Nadia up.

"Black Sheep?" Black Panther yawned. "Where are you going? Can I come..?"
Black Sheep put her hand on Black Panther's shoulder, "I'm sorry Black Panther, I'll see you again I promise."
Black Sheep left, changing her name to "Carmen Sandiego".

Adam put a blindfold over Nadia's eyes, making sure she didn't see where they went.
'Adam.' Coach Brunt bluntly said into the earpiece.
"Not a good time, Brunt." He hissed.
Coach Brunt rolled her eyes.
'Got the kid?' She said, loosing paitence.

"Yeah, yeah, screw off." She hung up, realizing that wasn't a good idea but didn't care.
"Alright, kid. Coach Brunt, remember her? Yeah you do, anyways she's taking you back! Yay!" He said, terror filled Nadia's eyes she realized she should worry more.

"You seem familar." Nadia said, she smelled him. "You smell familar, wait.. Dad?" He panicked and grabbed a brick and smashed it over her head.

"Fuck." He said, looking at Nadia.
"Yeah, I didn't know if Brunt wanted her with slight brain damage or not.." He sarcastically said.


"Guys, Nadia isn't answering my texts." Player said worried. "What if-"
He looked over at Carmen.
"Shit, Carmen is down too."
Player stood up, he had to take matter into his own hands.

Founds back, yay!

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