Trish and Lita's ex boyfriends show up

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Trish's PoV

I woke up this morning before Lita anyway I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes and walked in the bathroom I took a shower and then when I came out I changed into picture below.

I woke up this morning before Lita anyway I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes and walked in the bathroom I took a shower and then when I came out I changed into picture below

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I put on my leather jacket and I brushed my hair and my teeth then walked out of the bathroom. Then Lita grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom I made my bed and opened the curtains.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

I walked in the bathroom and when I came out I changed into picture below

I brushed my teeth and my hair then I walked out of the bathroom to be met up with Trish holding my ring gear bag as well as holding hers

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I brushed my teeth and my hair then I walked out of the bathroom to be met up with Trish holding my ring gear bag as well as holding hers.

Lita: thanks Trish

Trish: no problem

We then walked out of the room and headed to our rental car and I drove to the arena.

At the arena

I pulled up outside the arena and we both got out anyway we headed to our locker room to put our stuff down.

Inside Trish and Lita's locker room

Once we got inside we put our stuff down and then we walked to the lunch room to quickly grab a drink then head back to our locker room.

Trish: I wonder what will happen tonight

Lita: I know I feel like the rivalry that you and Victoria have is really good and it makes everyone believe that you two hate each other.

Trish: well she did push me down the stairs when we were younger remember

Lita: I know because when you first saw her here you wanted to rip her head off for that

Trish: wouldn't you?

Lita: yeah I would

Trish: *smiles*

We grabbed a drink and then headed back to our locker room.

Once we got back to our locker room we saw a note for both of us. I picked up the note that said my name and Trish picked up the one that said her name.

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