New city

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Trish's POV

I woke up early and packed my bags and then I used my secret to make the bed I am still tired from last night then I grabbed some clothes and then I walked in the bathroom to take a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth and changed into picture below then I brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

I woke up early and packed my bags and then I used my secret to make the bed I am still tired from last night then I grabbed some clothes and then I walked in the bathroom to take a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth and changed into pi...

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I walked out of the bathroom and saw Lita just opening her eyes.

Trish: morning

Lita: morning

Trish: better get ready we are leaving today

Lita: oh shoot 

Lita jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes while I used my secret to make her bed and open the curtains then I heard the shower head turn on and I sorted the room out.

After 25 minutes

The bathroom door opened and Lita walked out wearing picture below she smiled at me.

The bathroom door opened and Lita walked out wearing picture below she smiled at me

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Lita then put the gloves in her suitcase.

Lita: what do you think?

Trish: it is amazing

Then she got her stuff and I got mine and we walked down to the lobby to check out and then I bumped into a hard chest but the person caught me before I fell on the floor.

???: are you okay?

I knew that voice it was Jeff and I saw Matt behind him.

Trish: thanks Jeff

We all signed out of our hotel rooms and headed to the airport. 

At the airport

When we got to the airport we saw some of the WWE superstars we all walked over to them and then the speaker went off.

Speaker: flight 209 to New York is now boarding

All of the WWE superstars went to board the plane me and Lita sat by each other on the plane while Matt and Jeff sat behind us and they were in their own conversation. I got my headphones and put some music on the song that was playing was called 'Beneath your beautiful by Labrinth ft Emeli Sande' I closed my eyes.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I saw Trish close her eyes with her headphones in I smiled then I looked out of the window since I was by the window. I looked behind me and saw the Hardyz talking but when Matt saw me he smiled.

Matt: hey 

Lita: hey what are you two talking about?

Jeff: not much 

Lita: mind if I join you two?

Matt: not at all

Jeff: what about Trish?

Lita: she has got music on and she closed her eyes

I sat by the boys and it went Jeff by the window, Matt in the middle and me on the end so if I want to move back I can.

Lita: I wonder what New York is like

Matt: as soon as we land and we have checked into our hotel rooms would you want to join me and Jeff walking around the city?

Lita: sure me and Trish will be happy to join you two

I noticed Trish's head move so I moved back and she smiled when she saw me.

Trish: where did you go?

Lita: just moved back to talk with the Hardy Boyz

Trish: okay

We started to talk about anything that came to our minds and we laughed about silly things but every now and then Matt and Jeff would join in the conversation.

After 2 hours

I noticed everyone was tired because of the plane ride. 

Flight attendant: ladies and gentlemen we are going to be landing in a few minutes so make sure you have your seat belts on thank you

The plane landed and we all got off and grabbed our stuff then we headed to a hotel but first we got a rental car which we all share and Matt will drive to the hotel.

At the hotel

Matt pulled up outside the hotel and us 4 got out and walked in the hotel and checked in me and Trish were in room 205 while the boys were in room 207. 

We went to our rooms and put our stuff away then we are gonna to meet up in the lobby so we can walk around the city since the show is tomorrow. We all met up in the lobby and we walked out of the hotel and around the city just talking away about anything that came to our minds. 

Later that night

We all decided to head back to the hotel since it was getting late and we have a big day tomorrow  since it is the show and Vince is gonna tell us what matches we have.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me, my brother, Lita and Trish got back to the hotel and we all headed to our rooms and since our room is only 2 doors down from the girls it is better that way. 

We dropped the girls off at their rooms.

Hardyz: night girls

Trish&Lita: night boys and thanks for walking us back to our rooms

Hardyz: *smiles* we will meet you here in the morning

Trish: okay 

Lita: see you tomorrow guys 

They walked in their room and Trish closed the door me and Matt carried on walking back to our hotel room.

Inside the Hardyz hotel room

We got inside our hotel room and got ready for bed then I got in bed while Matt went in the bathroom and when he walked out of the bathroom he got in bed and we both turned the lights out and fell asleep.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I closed the door and then Lita walked in the bathroom while I got changed into my pjs and when Lita walked out of the bathroom she was wearing her pjs I put my hair in a ponytail so it won't get luggy in the night anyway we both got in bed and I used my secret to close the curtains.

Lita: couldn't be bothered to get out of bed?

Trish: nah I am comfy here

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: night Lita 

Lita: night Trish 

We both turned the lights off and then we both fell asleep.

End of POV

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