Training problems:

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Y/n's POV:
"Hey y/n!!!! Can you play with me after breakfast!?" Sally squeal. "U-uh. I'm sorry but I have to train after breakfast. I'll play with you after my training." I said smiling while petting her head. She giggled and hugged me. "Alrighty!!!" She hugged her teddy and walked off. I grabbed her plate and washed it after I was done eating. When I was done, I was shaking and sweating. 'None of them know about my powers.... I can't mess this up. Just stay calm and breathe. Just like the old times.' I thought to myself while making the water rise up into the air making different shapes with it. 'Come on... Let's do this!!!' I dropped the water and got ready. "TRAINING TIME!!!!!" Someone yelled. I ran outside and saw all the creepiest outside. "Alright. So y/n all you have to do is fight/try to kill jeff. Ready?" On of his tentacle raised up. 'Just come d-' i was cut off by one of my "voices." 'Oh!! Let's get this show in!!' 'N-no!!! Please don't hurt him!!' 'Kill him!!' I held my head, pulling my h/l h/c hair. "Set?......" Slender looked at me and Jeff like in a slow motion. 'Hahaha!!!!' Psychopath laughs started to get louder and louder. "Go!!!!!!!!" Once his tentacle went down my eyes glow blood red and my ears, tail, and wings, popped out. "Hahahahahaha!!!!" I laughed and I took out my (f/w= favorite weapon or weapons) attacking Jeff from the front. Jeff backed up confused. "Come here you little pest!!!!" I yelled as I tried to cut his back. I kept swinging my f/w at him. Back and forth. "Come on!!! Just one cut or scars!!!" I cut Jeff's back and chest. "!!! Agh!!!" Jeff cough blood out. He fell on his face first. "Aww look at the famous Jeff the Killer being killed by me!!! Y/N!!!" I walked up to him and looked down at him while the moonlight hit my back. "Come on!!! Get up!!! Fight me!!!" I was about to stab my f/w into his back but slender stopped me. "Agh!!! N-no!!! Stop!!!"
Slenderman's POV:
Y/n cut Jeff's back and chest causing him to cough out blood. "*gasp* J-jeff!!" I yelled. Aww look at the famous Jeff the Killer being killed by me!!! Y/N!!!!" I saw that the moonlight was hitting her crystal, making it glow a f/c color. 'That's why she's like this!? It's Zalgo controlling her!!!' I thought to myself. She was about to stab him but I got a hold of her. "Y/n!! Stop! Your killing him. I didn't mean kill kill him!!" She tries attacking me but I go her wrists and ankles, trying to keep her away from everyone but she just keep fighting. "Stop it!!" I yelled at her. She looked at me with her big e/c. "Y-y/n.." Was all I was able to say before she was knocked out. Her crystal stopped glowing and her ears, tails and wings disappeared.
Jeff's POV:
"Y-y/n...." Was what I heard from the boss until I saw y/n's head fall. "Y/n!?" I tried getting up but I was feeling too much pain to move. "F-fuck no... Y/n..." I blacked out and all I could remember was Nurse Ann running up to me with her first aid kit.
         *HOURS LATER* Y/N'S POV:
I woke up with some much pain. I tried sitting up from where I was but I felt something stabbing me in the back. "Agh!!!" I whimpered loudly. I fell back rubbing my head. I looked around realizing I was in a hospital bed and room. "W-where am I?..." I questioned. Next thing I knew was something stabbing me in my arm. "Agh!!!" I looked to the side to see Nurse Ann injection some green liquid into me. "This will help with the pain. Don't move either. You have to stay in bed for at least a week." She said not looking up at me at all. I looked at her with a confused looked. I think she noticed because she said "You had a rough training fight with Jeff. You completely changed into a killing machine. You cut deep into Jeff's chest and back. Your body heat was way too high. And your heart beats are really slowly." She explained while pointing at Jeff who was laying down on another hospital bed with a (what are those things called that to over ur nose and mouth?) And multiple needles in his arms. "He lost a lot of blood but it's great we're immortal. We can't really die. But Jeff does need a lot of time to get his blood back." Nurse Ann packed everything she had with her and walked towards the door. "Oh and before you ask... No. No one knows about what happened to you. So please. Just rest." She finished and slammed the door. I just sat there confused and shocked. 'Haha you almost killed one of them!! How funny can you get!?' 'N-no he's not dead. He's ok!!' I held my head tightly this time and yelled, "NO!!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! IT WAS ALL YOU!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" As I yelled the room started to shake and objects were flying off of things. The windows also broke. "N-no... I didn't mean to.." I put my knees to my chest and cried.
Slenderman's POV:
I sat in my office, thinking about what happening to y/n and why her crystal was still working when Nurse Ann walked in and said "She's awake but can't remember anything that happened." She was looking at the floor when I heard this. "Damn it!!" I pushed all my papers off my desk. "When she gets out of there, take her to Masky and Hoodie's room and make her talk to them about what happened." I said rubbing my forehead. "Yes sir." She bowed and left the room. "Fucking hell!! I don't get it!!" I yelled putting up my papers. "What are you y/n l/n?......."

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