Your secret is out now:

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Y/n's pov:
"I've known Zalgo for long time now... He's use to be like a father to me." You looked down. "But then..... He left me...."
"Come on Zalgo!!!! They stars are out!!!!" You open the big doors of Zalgo's mansion and see so many bright stars shining. "Wow.... " you fly up and sat in the roof. "It's so beautiful and relaxing...." You spread out your wings and felt the wind blow your h/l h/c back. "Hehe why do you always have to do that?" You look up to the moon. "Your always playing with my hair. I wish you can show yourself tho...." Your ears go down. "Why leave me alone?.... Why talk to me!!!!! When you don't even show your fucking self!!!!!" You stand up and yelled. "Your always hiding from me!!!! Why!!!!!" You feel a stronger wind blow. "Agh!!!! Stop!!!" You tried blocking it from your face. "Agh!!!!!" You trip and fall back. "!!!! No!!!! Wait!!!!!!!!!!" Just then something caught you. "Huh?!" You looked and saw a tree branch under you. "!!!!" Your eyes widen and you looked up. "servants.T-thank you...." The branch put you down and just then Zalgo came out. "Y/N!!!!!! Are you ok?! I heard you scream!!!!" He grabbed your shoulders and looked at you closely. "I'm ok. Don't worry." You fake smile. "Alright. Just don't do that to me." He said worried. "Let's go back inside now ok?" He reached out for your hand. "Hai!!!"
Next day:
You wake up in the same normal dark bed and room. You look around and realized something was off..... You couldn't move. "!!!!! ZALGO!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!" You struggle. "Please Zalgo!!!!!" You look around and see the rake and Zalgo's other servants. "!!!! What's going on!? Let me go!!!!!" Your cried blood. Then you saw Zalgo. "!!!! Zalgo yes!!!!! Your here!!!! Help me!!! Their trying to do something to m-" You were cut off by Zalgo putting his hand over your mouth and stabbing you with a needle filled with green liquid. "!!!!!!!" Your vision got blurry and you were knocked out cold.
*End of flashback*
"The next I remember was waking up in a box... In the dark... Cold and lonely. And I was in a cat form." You were crying. He abandoned me in the middle of nowhere. He left me!!!!! That's why I hate him!!!!! He left me alone. He's the only person back then... I was alone... I didn't have anywhere to go. No home. No family. No nothing....... He.... He didn't care about me... He just left me...." You wiped your tears. "Thats why I don't ever want to see him!!!! I hate him!!! Because of him!!!! I had with humans!!! Who which so happened use to abused me and bullying me for not being normal!!!! He left me!!! He was not normal!!!! I was not normal!!!! I thought me and him were family!!!! Then he just left me alone..... with humans!!!!!!" You punched the wall. "He knows how much I fucking hate humans!!!! And how I despise them and their kind!!!" You gripped your fist. "I need my crystal back.... and I need it back now..." You looked down.
Jeff's POV:
"She's pissed and upset." I said in my mind. "Hey y/n. Don't worry. We're here for you now. Don't fucking mind that bastard and the way he fucking left you. Besides.... Who would leave something... So beautiful and sweet like you." I moved her hair out of her face and rubbed her cheek. "Your too beautiful for me to leave." I felt my face heat up. "Um!!! Anwways!! Sir. What are we gonna do? He took half of the crystal with him. And we need the whole thing to kill him." I said as I looked back at the boss with a pissed/ serious face.
Slenderman's pov:
"Did I just witness that happen?" I said to myself. "Umm!!! Anyways!!! Sir. What are we gonna do? He took half of the crystal with him. And we need the whole thing to kill him." I heard Jeff say. "!!!! Huh!? Oh!!! Yeah." I thought for minute. "Hmm let me go make some plans with Masky and Hoodie. Then we'll find out how to get your crystal back y/n ok?" I looked at her. She nodded and smiled at me. "Hehe alright children. I'll be back soon." I teleported away and back into my office. "Now... What are we gonna do about this stupid little bastard?" I looked at my papers. "Hmm...."

Love is pain (creepypasta × reader Lemon) (Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now