Chapter 2

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I walked into the bathroom at my work to make sure my hair looked good. My hand pushed the natural spiral curls out of my face. I decided not to straighten my hair today. As I looked at myself in the mirror I started to admire my own face. My small petite button nose, and my beautiful full round lips. I looked myself in the eyes. They were such a dark brown color. Almost black. I walked back out to the bar booth hoping to see the man with long black hair again. Today I wore a soft purple dress that was tight and fit my curves perfectly.

"Oh shit girl! You look sexy today." Stacie said shaking her shoulders at me.

My face started to turn red. "Thank you. I'm really trying to look good for tall, pale and handsome."

"Oh well, he said he would be here today."

"You know him? What's his name?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes, and his name is Damon. We have known each other since the beginning of time." She said with a smile. I assumed that means they grew up together. We began to serve drinks and it was almost eight o'clock before any hot drunk guys came in but even when they did come, my mind was still fixated on Damon. He was so beautiful. I imagine his golden eyes not realizing I was quite literally staring into them.

"Hello," Damon said waving his hand in front of my face. "I haven't even fucked you yet and you're already daydreaming about me."

I gasped putting my hand over my mouth. Did he really just say that? "W-what did you say?" I asked blinking.

"Can I get a whiskey with ice?" He asked patting his hand on the wood of the booth.

I took a deep breath trying to push out the thought of him fucking me. "Yes. So what made you come back tonight without your pet?" I asked curling the side of my lip.

His jaw clenched. I hope he didn't feel DiSrEsPeCtEd. "She was temporary. She begged me to be her master, so I did just that."

I pushed his drink over to him. "Ah. That makes scenes." I said nodding.

"Lean in," he said after taking a sip of his whiskey. I leaned in and he put his lips against my ear. "Now I want you to be my pet."

I swallowed hard. My heart started to beat out of my chest. "I um. I don't know." I answered back with a small laugh. What was I supposed to do?

He let out a low chuckle. "Well, I do." He took another drink if his whiskey almost drinking all of it. I glanced over at Stacie who was giving everyone the drinks they needed as I was flirting with her childhood friend.

"And how do you know this Damon?" I asked leaning over resting my head on my hand.

He raised his eyebrows at me surprised that I knew his name probably. "I'll just make you beg for me Madeline." My eyes widened. Stacie must have told him my name. I made sure he saw my face as I rolled my eyes. Maybe I was crazy for wanting an encounter like last night to happen again, but honestly, I was already begging for him.

* * *

The night continued and eventually, Damon left after he got a call. Many guys bought me drinks that night some gave me their number, but I never put them in my phone. I wasn't that interested in dating anyone, at least not until I find someone who really knocks my socks off.

I walked out to my car ready to go home. On my way home I started to think about Damon. Why was I thinking about him so much? I didn't even know who he was and I was imagining him taking over my whole body.

I pulled into the parking lot of the apartments I lived in. Since I just moved into here I didn't know my neighbors. Hell, I barely even knew my landlord.

"Well well well, you're my new neighbor." I found around to see Damon leaning against the door across from mine.

"I guess so. Why is this the first time I'm seeing you in this hallway?" I asked crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"This is the first time I have been home since yesterday morning, and I usually stay inside my house. I have no reason to leave most of the time." He said pouting his lips.

"Well, if you'll excuse me I need to get inside and get ready for bed." I said before unlocking my door and walking inside. My eyes looked back at the door hoping that I might knock and ask to come inside. There was no reason for me to sit here and fantasize about this man when I don't know him.

After I took a shower I laid down for bed. Before I fell asleep I pictured myself looking into those beautiful golden eyes.

I rubbed my eyes waking up in a bed i was not familiar with. Where was I? I sat up and looked to my left. A gasp escaped my lips when I seen Damon.

"Surprised are you?" He asked touching my bare leg.

"What are you doing here? With me I mean." I asked looking down at my body. I was wearing a white T-shirt and pink lacy underwear I was wearing when I fell asleep. This must be a dream.

"I told you I don't like being disrespected." He said before harshly grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling my head back. "Come here." He ordered with a harsh tone. I followed his hand and stood up off the bed.

"What is happening?" I whimpered as he ran his nose against my jawline.

"Punishment is happening. Now bend over, and arch your back."

I stood there not understanding what was happening and then I saw the whip I'm his hand. It had multiple strands hanging off of it. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked with shivers running down my body.

He pushed my body down bending me over on the bed. With that, I felt the multiple strands come down and hit my ass. I yelped before falling on the bed. He put himself on top of me and I could feel his hard member press against me through my panties.

"Sit back up or I will do it harder." He threatened putting his lips to my ear. I stood back up still bent over not wanting it to be too much harder. The whip came back down on my ass making me cry out. I could feel the throbbing heat between my legs. The whip lashed down one me three more times before his finger rubbed my entrance through my underwear. "It's not a punishment if you like it this much." He pushed my panties to the side pressing hard against my clit. My mouth opened letting out a soft moan.

I jolted up waking up from my slumber. My eyes gazed around the room noticing that I was in my room. I frowned at the fact it was just a dream. It felt very real and very good. Why couldn't I get this devilishly handsome man out of my head?

Well here is chapter 2. I feel like I'm really liking this so far.

If you read this you might as well vote or comment or something please. I have no life and I live off of reading people's comments.

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