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((Lyrics have been altered to keep it as PG-13 as possible.))
      Our favorite hawk flew out from the curtains and went about above the crowd as his entrance before landing on the stage behind the microphone. He looked a little nervous as he clears his throat.
"I... haven't really sung a song for others before so... go easy on me, alright? That means you, Pops."

"Hey!" Pops exclaims as some laughter is heard.

"As I was saying... This is my first time, and I'm already a little nervous. But I wanna thank my friends and my two best friends, Gidget and Norman for always supporting me. Okay, here goes. This one is a little... well, a beautiful piece of a song. It's called 'Beautiful Now' by Zedd."

      The lights remain bright, but died down just enough as this was a brighter sort of song. The spotlights switched color to one that was baby blue and purple, focusing on Tiberius while he danced a little by moving his wings and feet, doing a cute little spin at the electronic introduction until he opened his beak to begin his singing.

We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful now...

We might not know why, we might not know how.
But baby, tonight, we're beautiful now.
We'll light up the sky, we'll open the clouds!
'Cause baby, tonight, we're beautiful now,
We're beautiful.

We're beautiful..

Tiberius started to dance a little more passionately with his song and his singing. The audience were also moving along with the song as it put a smile on Tiberius' face. Norman had a happy grin on his hamster face while Gidget also smiled at her best friend's performance.

Wherever it's going, I'm gonna chase it.
What's left of this moment, I'm not gonna waste it.
Stranded together, our worlds have collided.
This won't be forever, so why try to fight it?

We're beautiful nooow,
We're beautiful nooow.

We might not know why, we might not know how.
But baby, tonight, we're beautiful now!
We'll light up the sky, we'll open the clouds.
'Cause baby, tonight, we're beautiful now,
We're beautiful!

Let's live tonight, like fireflies.
And one by one, light up the sky.
We'll disappear, and pass the crown.
You're beautiful, you're beautiful.

The audience began to sing along while Tiberius flew about and dances in the air, showing off his moves and his flying skills.

"We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful now!
(Get out on the floor!)
We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful now!
We're beautiful!"

Once the beloved hawk lands back on the stage, he moves his wings about as he went back to singing, joining in with the crowd for the rest of the beautiful song.

We're beautiful, we're beautiful now!

We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful now!
We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful now,
We're beautiful.

The crowd was loud and happily cheering for our favorite Hawk as he bows with his wing, since he didn't really have arms, as Gidget and Norman were the first to shout in glee.

"Yeah! That's my crazy bird!!" Norman exclaims.

"That's my best friend! You rock, Tiberius!" Gidget exclaimed as he flew offstage while the red curtains close once again.

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