Mera and Indus introduction

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The laptop flickers on, showing a women with light gray skin, blue long hair and an annoyed scrunched up expression soon turning to relieved and sighing.

Mera: Its working... Perfect...


Indus places down a basket full of pink clothing in front of Mera rather proudly.

Mera: Indus, did you mix reds with whites?

Indus: Um... I just put all the clothes i could find and put them all in the washing machine!

Mera: You put them in the washing machine...Which one, Indus...

Indus: Why the one in the kitchen of course, Lady Mera!

Faint flooding could be heard in the distance.

Mera: INDUS, THIS COULD COST US ARE HULL LIFE SAVINGS, WE ALREADY LIVE IN THIS DUMP AND BARELY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR FOOD-... Heh well luckily, we have this... This is going to make us bank...

Indus: Ohhhh The Portal... is it working?

Mera: No Indus its making french bread- OF COURSE ITS WORKING!

Indus: Ohhhh... HELLO PEOPLE!

Indus waves at the laptop proudly.

Indus: I am Indus Tarbella and my epithet is BARRIER!  I am an honorable bodyguard of my Lady Mera.

Mera tone suddenly changes, she suddenly gives you a fake smile.

Mera: Hello!  My names Mera, i am so sorry for getting off on a bad start with you~  You can guys can ask me anything!

(Asks are open for Mera and Indus)

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