Chapter Fifteen

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"What the fuck are you gonna do, Ash?" Ryle slaps me on the arm.

I stand in the middle of the cafeteria, catching the attention of everyone, including Samantha and her clique. Harper wants me to prove how decent I can be. This is my way of showing that to her.

At this point, I don't give a shit what Adrian will say. Or what Jackson Price will say when he gets to hear about this. All I care about is Harper trusting me. Fuck what happens after.

"Doing what I should have done when that tweet blew up," I say, answering Ryle's question.

Slamming the table, I announce loudly, "I'll say this once, so you have to listen. My life is no one's business. Stop hounding Harper Silva or you won't like the consequence."

I wait for any violent reaction, but nothing came. Good, because I do not have the energy to deal with any of that.

"So how serious?" Ryle asks as we leave the cafeteria.


"The chick. How serious are you with her?"

"We're not together. Heck, we're not even hooking up," I tell the truth. Hearing it straight from my mouth though makes me laugh. Why am I going through all this length for someone I haven't fucked?

"So what's this about? You don't get worked up like this, not even with Sam," Ryle comments.

"I don't know, man. She's just not the hooking up type, that's all."

When we get to our last class, Harper is there waiting. Ryle smiles knowingly at me, and I push him away, so he has no chance to say something stupid.

"Should I be proud of you?" She asks, noting of the deed I pulled off in the cafeteria.

"Are you?" I retort, holding her gaze a little bit longer. She looks away and that's when I know that I'm still making her uncomfortable. "I'm sorry...for what happened, you know."

She gazes up at me again, shrugging as she says, "Apology not yet accepted, but thank you for what you did in the cafeteria."

"So, as my way of apology, can I invite you over for spicy ramen?"


"I'm not sleeping in our house tonight after everything that happened today. Adrian's going to be under my nose. I'll stay at the clubhouse so maybe..."

Knowing Harper, she will probably say no, especially after that moment in the stock room. She probably doesn't want to be alone with me. That is why I'm surprised when she says, "I'll think about it."

At least, she will think about it. Or maybe that's her subtle way of rejecting my offer. She turns to leave and that's when I decide to tell her what I've been wanting to tell her—but not straight to her face.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and type her a message.

Me: Sure, I'm attracted to you and I want to kiss you again if given a chance, but I'm not inviting you for a hookup. Spicy ramen is just spicy ramen, unless you want something else. But if not, I'll keep my hands to myself and will be a good boy.

It takes her a minute to reply.

Her: Attraction is not the same as lust, Ashton, and I'm sure as hell what you feel is lust.

I fidget on my phone as I think of a response.

Me: Why not let's see? Maybe you're right; maybe you're not. But I'm not pushing until you are up for it. Consent is important.

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