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The black tires of your car crunched the snow that was on the pavement as it came to a slow stop in front of a house. Turning off the engine and opening your door, you noticed the fog of breath clouding in front of you from the early year of winter as you got out of your warm car. It was that time of year again where the snow storms have ended but still cold enough to keep the snow around until spring came. You never really hated snow since it was always beautiful to look at as it was falling from the clouds or the pure white blanket covering every inch of your town, but you tend to get cold easily.

The squeals and laughter of children caught your attention to the side of you where it looks like a little hill was made as each one of them took turns riding it. You recognized Jamie and Sophie as they took a turn together down the hill. You smiled as Sophie squealed and Jamie laughed with her. You also recognized some of Jamie's friends who lived around the neighborhood as you would also see them from time to time. What stood out to you the most was someone who seemed older compared to them was standing on top of the hill and watching them as they go.

You stared at them as you closed your door. The noise caught the attention of Jamie as he looked your way and beamed with that gaped tooth smile of his. He waved energetically when he saw you looking his way, "Hey, [Name]!"

You smiled once more when you saw his smile and remembered something, "Hey, Jamie! Be careful there. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time, do we?"

He laughed sheepishly, "Don't worry! I'll be careful!"

"Good!" you called.

"[Name], come join us!" Sophie noticed you and started running your way.

"Wait, Sophie—!"

Despite Sophie growing age, there was still a lot of inexperience she had. Like a lot of children her age, they were clumsy because they are most who are never cautious. While Sophie was running towards you, she slipped when she almost got to you. Thankfully for that small distance, you only had to reach for her when you caught her before her rear hit the hard floor.

"Gotcha!" you exhaled then sighed after, "Sophie," you scowled, "what did your mother and I say about running on ice?"

"Sorry," she pouted apologetically while having her slur kick in.

You smiled slightly, "it's okay, but your mom and I would be sad if you got hurt. Will you promise me to be careful next time?"

It was a flimsy promise, but to a child, words speak volumes because they expect such held words. Sophie gave the same gaped tooth grin as her brother.

"I promise!"

"Good," you said as you set her down steady on her feet, "let me talk to your mom first, then I'll come out to play for a bit, okay?" Your teeth chattered at the last bit from the cold starting to kick in despite your layered upon layered clothing.

She cheered, "Sis is going to come play!"

Jamie and the others besides the tall figure overheard Sophie's announcement and cheered. He simply smiled at the zealous children being excited for someone else to join in their fun.

After brushing off his stare, you went to the front porch and opened the door to the entryway. Jamie's and Sophie's mother came around the corner to peek at who enter her home. She waved in greeting since she had the house phone to her ear. "She just got here, mother," she stated, "I'll be on my way right now." She greeted her mother goodbye and hung up the phone.

When she did, you said politely, "Hello, Mrs. Bennett."

She smiled sheepishly, almost ashamed, "Hey, [Name]," she continued, "I'm sorry for the last minute call. You probably didn't plan on babysitting Jamie and Sophie today, but I really appreciate it since my mother was sent to the E-R."

The reason for your summoning was understandable, you thought. You were just in your room studying anyways, and you got quite bored of it eventually. You thought that this would be a nice break until later when everything would quiet down and everyone was asleep. You kept this information to yourself though. Telling Jamie's mother would make her feel bad and make herself not rely on you as often for these jobs. Besides, you still loved Jamie and Sophie like an older sister to them.

"It is no problem, Mrs. Bennett," you smiled, "Jamie and Sophie are really good kids."

She sighed in relief, "Thank you." She began putting on her coat, head cover, gloves, and a scarf. Her keys were next to be picked as she said, "I should be back tomorrow morning. I'll call if anything changes. Call if you need anything."

"Will do," you waved at her as you sent her off from her porch. She drove off soon after telling the children goodbye.

After warming up a bit, you came off the porch and greeted the rest where they were still playing on the hill. Jamie came over to hug your legs in hello. You ruffled his hair a bit in acknowledgment as you smiled at him. Teasingly, you played with his hair more messing up his already messy hair style.

"Hey!" he laughed.

You chuckled with him, "How have you been, kiddo?"

"Good, my friend made this hill for us so we started playing on it," he answered honestly.

Unfortunately, you knew which friend he was talking about. You have a side glance where the tall boy watching you and tried not to notice or acknowledge his presence. "Although it's a steep hill," you trailed in concern.

"Hey! I've been watching them until now and they're all fine, thank you very much."

You ignored what was said and continued, "But you know what would more fun, in my opinion?"

Jamie gave you a blank stare, waiting for an answer or a continuation of what was said.

You grabbed his hand and grinned, "Let's make some snow forts."

Word Count: 1036


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