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You gazed out the window, unable to focus on the homework assignment of your open textbook and a pen and paper ready to be written on. Your mind couldn't focus on one thing and the constant wind howling made you glance outside where a plethora of snowflakes danced wildly at the aggressive force. Each snowflake reminded you of him and the growing frost on the window told you Jack was approaching, but you had already sense him coming a while ago. His head popped out from the roof as his eyes searched for your figure through the window. His blue eyes brightened when they made contact with yours. You raised an eyebrow as they glinted with playfulness. He leaned more down to show his grin as he knocked on the window with his staff. You rolled your eyes, but got up to open the window and let in the cold air.

"Were you waiting for me?" he said with a smug.

You scoffed, "I sensed you a mile away, Jack."

"With your sixth sense?" he asked.

"More like one of my five," you retorted, "I notice how much colder it is when you're around."

"Ouch, princess."

For the past several days since your run-in with Dallas, Jack had been scheduling his time to make sure he had plenty of time to see you. You gave up somewhere at the start to get rid of him with his persistence, but you found yourself growing fond of his daily visits. Of course, you would never admit it, but having someone outside of your friends was different and unexpectedly welcoming. Usually, the visits would consist of banter between the two of you and he developed a nickname you weren't too sure how to feel about having. Nonetheless, you let him do what he wants because what were you to do about it?

You rolled your eyes and huffed, "Anyways, how are Jamie and the others doing?"

"Good, good," Jack shrugged, his smile still evident, "They're having fun as usual when I'm around and Sofia lost another tooth—" you gave him a deadpan glare, but kept silent "—which is not my fault this time. It was all natural!"

This time, you teased with a small smirk, "Jamie already had enough souvenir quarters from the tooth fairy and your rough play. I don't want Sophia to be adding it."

"Not my fault Jamie takes pride in that."

"You missed the entire point."

A boy, slightly younger than Jamie, walked in your room while rubbing his eye. His thick rimmed glasses lifted slightly from his hand moving it. He called you, "Sis, can you tuck me in?" Your little brother was already in his favorite dinosaur pajamas as he waited for your reply. Even though it wasn't that late, you were surprised to see him up. It must have been hard to stay asleep.

Without giving so much of a glance towards Jack, you agreed and followed him out the door, "Sure." After giving him warm milk and some massages on his head, he fell asleep with the blankets covering him securely. When you turned on your brother's nightlight, you forgot you left Jack, but he was leaning on the doorframe as he was watching you.

You closed the door gently behind you when Jack spoke, "I can see why now you're really good with kids."

"Ever since I was little," you started, "I've taken care of my baby brother. That's all I ever know. The skill just comes in handy when I have to babysit."

"But it's more than that," he said gently, "you really do love kids."

You looked up to his eyes. Even in the darken hallway, his eyes always lit up when meeting yours. His icy blue orbs were always enchanting and you would never get tired of looking at them. Every time you see them, snowflakes danced in his orbs. You cleared your throat, "You really shouldn't be wondering my house so casually."

Time froze for him too as he looked into your eyes he realized. The smirk he would usually show lowered to a smile as he traced your face. He took a moment to respond but when he did, he said, "Why is that?"

No sound would come out as you opened your lips. Your voice got caught in your throat as he came closer to you and you stood frozen. Whatever he was doing to you made your adrenaline rush with anxiety and excitement, and you didn't know what to choose. You were torn between following his moves and removing yourself from the situation.

"Who's there?"

There was a loud thud as Jack jumped back into a wall from the shock of surprise and the shock your grandfather gave to any unwanted spirits. You spun around to see your grandfather standing tall with his family heirloom cane. His thins fingers were wrapped around the handle as the other hand was behind his back, supporting his posture. His thin gray hair and thick glasses showed the years of his life on Earth.

"It's just me, Granddad," you called quietly, "Ben woke up, so I was just putting him to sleep."

"Okay," he said more quietly, "but I still sense something. I going to say a prayer before I go to sleep. Don't be staying up too late doing school work. Your body and mind needs rest too."

You slouched slightly and sighed when he walked away. You understand he really cared for you and your safety but sometimes the reminder became more of nagging. You put up with it since he's taken care of you when your parents passed away. You turned to a slightly dazed Jack Frost as he was trying to shake off whatever he was feeling. You helped him up off the floor and began pushing him into your room and toward the window.

"Now, you got to leave before he zaps you again," you warned, "The next one won't be as nice as before."

He seemed to collect himself a little more as he hoped into a squat on the window seal facing you. He rubbed his head and shook it a bit to get rid of his dizzy spell. "That was nice?"

Word Count: 1039


Yes, I Can See You. [Jack Frost x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now