It's time to create the chat!

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Spooderman added Mr. Stank, Capsicle, Legolas, Mama spider, Scarlet bitch, Metal arm, Birdman, and  Green bean to the group: "Avengers group chat"

Mr. Stank: Kid wtf is that?

spooderman: its a group chat mr stank!

Mr. Stank: nononononono plz tell me that rhodey didnt tell you

spooderman: hehehhe and i oop-



Mama spider: Shut it, katniss.

Spooderman: BAHAHAHAHA im definitely gonna use this

Spooderman changed the nickname "legolas" to "Katniss"

Metal arm: LMFAO

Capsicle: Lmfao?

Metal arm: laughing my fucking ass off you idiot

Green bean: He is not an idiot, he is just old.

Capsicle: Ouch.

Metal arm: im old and i know this

Capsicle: Dubble ouch.

Birdman: wait what kind of ass?^

Scarlet bitch: america's ass, duh.

Mr. Stank: wow and im definitely gonna use this. Kid, admin me.

Spooderman gave admin permissions to Mr. Stank

Mr. Stank changed the nickname "Capsicle" to "America's Ass"

America's ass: Thank you, Tony.

Katniss: ew he is using grammar

Mama spider: shut up before i kill you

Metal arm: we talked about it, natasha. We dont kill friends.

Mama spider: i guess that choking will be enough this time

Katniss: come and get me natas- hlsng7!jdn@lsn2pw

Mama spider: Done.

Scarlet bitch: good job nat

Mama spider: Why thank you Wanda.

Green bean: I feel like we are missing something...

America's Ass: Maybe it's Thor? He is in Ass-gard.

Birdman: super funny, cap

Spooderman: Ooohohoooh right, i forgot about him

Spooderman added Blondie to the group


Katniss: ew. Caps off, thor.

Blondie: WHAT IS THE "CAPS"?

Scarlet bitch: ok stop yelling

America's Ass: I'm old and I know what caps are.

Metal arm: he is older

America's Ass: #OOF

Mr. Stank: you need to tap that arrow key, thor.

Katniss: someone said ARROWS?!?!?

Mama spider: ugh, i thought you were dead and i was actually happy.

Spooderman: mood

Blondie: Oh, I found it. Well, me and Loki have work to do. I'll talk with you all later!

Birdman: ok, but dont leave the grou-

Blondie has left the group chat

Spooderman: i-

Mr. Stank: i-

Mama spider: i-

Metal arm: i-

Katniss: i-

America's ass: I-

Scarlet bitch: i-

Green bean: I-

Birdman: i-

Katniss: i-

Scarlet bitch: you already said "i-"

Katniss: oh right

America's ass: Welp.

Mr. Stank: welp.

Spooderman: welp, im going to sleep and when I wake up i wanna see that ALL OF YOU are still in this group

Metal arm: i think ill leave now

Mama spider: nooooo stayyyyy

Metal arm: ok ill stay for you ❤️

Katniss: ewwww get a roo- bdksusjk7idhd2gn&o@l

Mr. Stank: good night, kid

Spooderman: gn <3

Everyone is offline

This chapter was shitty but REEEE it's just an introduction next chapter will be better i promise

Anyways, this was short and pointless and you wasted 10 minutes, go do something that will benefit your life

Avengers Group ChatWhere stories live. Discover now