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Just a little cute one for you guys. This was requested by KFM1810 I hope you enjoy (sorry it's taken me so bloody long) xx

"How Joe? How did you guess? Did you see the booking?" Dianne said, as she stopped filming.

"No, I promise I just guessed. I'm excited though, I've never been to the restaurant at the top," Joe said, squeezing her hand to get her to stop being in a huff. All she had wanted was to surprise Joe but he always managed to guess or figure out what she had planned before she could successfully execute it. "Look at me love," he said softly, daring to stroke her cheek, "I'm sorry I guessed, I didn't mean it."

"It's just I really wanted to surprise you Joe. Because you always manage to with me. Like my cake and my bike and yeah. I just wanted it to be special," Joe could see she was getting emotional.

"Gosh Dot it is! I mean you're taking me to freaking dinner in the shard."

"But I haven't even managed to book a table by the window," she said, picking her dress.

"I don't care. You've put all your effort into this Dot. And anyway anywhere with you is perfect," Joe said, lifting her chin to look at him.


"Course, come here," he pulled her into a hug, just as the taxi came to a stop.

"Wait there's something else," Dianne said, realising he still didn't know about their overnight stay. She was suddenly excited, rocking on the curb as Joe climbed over the seat to get out.

"What's that love?"

"We're staying in a hotel too. A fancy one, with cool views and stuff."

Joe smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her cheek, as they were in public, "that sounds amazing. Give us a proper hug you little nugget."

"We're going to miss our reservation," she said, pulling him into the shard, to the lift.

"Now can I have a hug?" Dianne giggled and nuzzled into him, her sour mood evaporated.

Joe didn't take his arm from around her as they left the lift, his body aching to be as close to her as possible. He felt ever so slightly under dressed for such a nice place but soon relaxed when he saw group of tourists in casual clothing, taking pictures of the view.

Almost the minute they left the lift a person dressed in black and white was there asking if they had booked.

"Yeah, it's under Smith, Joseph Smith," that was the alias that Joe used when booking places he thought might tip off the press. He had only started doing it since a paparazzi was inside a restaurant in central London taking a picture of him and a date that wasn't Dianne.

"Ah yes, just this way," she said, picking up two menus.

"Actually we were wondering of there was any tables with a view?" Dianne said, pulling Joe back as he started to walk away.

"I'll check for you," she said, placing their menus on the podium.

"Excuse me, sorry, I would love to give my table away to you two. It has a view and you're obviously in love. I'm on my own and I've dined here before. Please take it," a gentleman dressed in a smart grey suit said, taking them by surprise.

"Oh my gosh are you sure?" Dianne asked, her eyes wide with childlike excitement.

"Of course, give them my table please madame," he said and floated off to their table before they could argue anymore.

"Very well, follow me."

The couple sat down at the beautiful table with the view of the city they fell in love in. Neither could believe a complete stranger would be so kind to give them such an opportunity. Dianne took Joe's hand and gave it a squeeze staring into his addictive blue eyes. They were blue like the ocean, deep and ever so mysterious at times. The eyes that were the last things she saw when she fell asleep and the first things she saw when she woke up. They told her how much he cared, how much he loved her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." It was barely above a whisper, and Dianne blinked a tear falling, which Joe caught.

"Why are you crying?" Soft and gentle his voice came, just has it had done on so many other occasions where she was fragile.

"I'm just lucky to have you."

Joe smiled and touched their lips gently, squeezing her hand once more.

"Not as lucky as I am to have you little one, nothing could come close."

Joanne Suggwell One Shots 3Where stories live. Discover now