Chapter 09 - Back to school with style✔

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Violet walked towards the big entrance slowly. She didn't want to go to school but Luca threatened to nibble her ear again.

Students outside the school stared at her like that creepy owl in Vlad's club. Word had got out that she was attacked and it made Violet pretty popular, but in this case it would probably be because of her dress code.

"Violet!" She heard someone yell her name. She turned around, only to be engulfed into a bear hug by Kat.

"I missed you so much! Wow aren't you cold in those clothes?" Kat practically screamed in Violet's ear.

Kat continued to stare at Violet's clothes. Violet was wearing a pair of black shorts with over the knee black socks and dark red Doc Martens, followed by a black tank with the 'AC/DC' logo in red and black leather jacket.

It might have been the middle of November, but Violet was dying from heat.

"Come on, let's go!" Kat said, dragging Violet with her.

They passed the many class rooms until they made it to theirs. As soon as Violet stepped in she was swarmed with questions and hugs. Every question was answered with a short yes or no. Ana soon came inside followed by their history professor.

"Miss Kennedy, nice of you to join us." Mrs. Jenkins said.

Violet just nodded from her seat. This was going to be a long day indeed.


"So, how's it going with Luca?" Kat wiggled her eyebrows at Violet.

The girls were at their favorite café having some coffee. They took their usual table by the window.

"Good. Why?" She asked confused.

Luca and the girls met at the hospital, when he came to visit her the second time.

"No reason..." Kat sighed. "Anyways, Ana and Marko are together."

"Really? That's so sweet. You look so cute together!" Violet said.

"Yeah..." Ana shied away.

"Um, Violet?" Kat called her.

Violet turned around towards her, giving Kat her full attention. Kat pointed to the window and Violet glanced at it. A flock of boys were standing there and watching her like hawks. Violet's eyes widened at the sight. There were at least 20 boys from the nearby schools.

"When did you become so popular?" Ana asked.

"I have no idea..." Violet answered. "Guys, I've been meaning to ask, what happened to Jena?"

"Nothing. We filed a report against her, but Stephan bailed her out somehow." Ana answered shrugging.

Violet's jaw clenched. She was so pissed that the coffee in her hand started boiling. The two girls didn't notice Violet's little outburst. They were to occupied with the boys at the window.

The door to the café opened and a blonde haired girl walked in. She was wearing a white long sleeved blouse, with a blue skirt and matching heels. She was wearing a long grey coat over it all.

The girl stopped before the three teen girls table. Violet looked up at the blonde and smiled.

"Hey Masha." She said. "Take a seat."

Masha took the vacant seat by Violet and made herself comfortable. She turned towards Kat and Ana.

"Hello. My name is Masha. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Ana and this is Katherine, but feel free to call her Kat." Ana said smiling.

The flock of boys grew bigger every second. Masha found it amusing how Violet's hormones attracted males from miles. A few boys went in followed by a few girls. They were probably on a date, but the boys knocked over some glass decorations from the counter as they saw Violet. They kept staring at the brunette, while the girls yelled at them.

Violet excused herself to the ladies room. She went in to freshen up but got a quick text from Kat saying that Ursula and Mia are here, and they're headed her way. Violet quickly went into one of the cubicles. She heard Ursula's skanky voice before she even entered.

"God those freaks found another one." She said.

"Who cares Ursula. Violet almost died because of us, isn't that enough?" Mia asked.

"No! She deserves more pain than that for what she's done to us! Now drop the whores name already. What are you wearing for Stephan's party?" Ursula asked excited.

Violet clenched her fist, but her eyes turned red. She was tempted to go out there and rip Ursula apart limb by limb.

"I don't know. I guess jeans and a shirt." Mia answered sighing.

"Oh that can't do! I'll find something for you until friday." Ursula said.

Violet snickered and pulled the toilet. She then casually walked out and washed her hands. She stepped out the bathroom leaving a frightened Ursula and Mia behind.

Kat gave Violet a thumbs up. Violet sat down at the table and flashed a breath taking smile towards her admirers. They fainted on the spot, making the girls laugh so hard they had to hold their stomach.

The girls made plans to go to a bar this saturday, because one of Violet's friends had a gig there. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Masha and Violet slowly headed to Violet's house, avoiding crowded places and talking about what should they wear for friday.


"This friday?" Mina asked.

She joined Masha and Violet in their quest to play Kraven Manor. The girls were staring blankly at the computer screen waiting for it to load.

"Yeah. It's Stephan's stupid early Christmas party or as I like to call it 'GET LAID' party." Violet said.

The game finally loaded and she started playing, Masha and Mina closely watching from their seats.

"But how are you gonna get in?" Mina asked.

"A friend who's going told me he's holding the party at the Underworld this year. And we all know they're screwed there." Violet said smiling from ear to ear. "So, we're going. It's just a small step closer to Jena." Her eyes switched color.

Mina smirked. Violet really was suited for her powers. Mina was glad she was her guardian and not that siren slut.

"Well, looks like we're going to crash a party." Mina said smirking.

"Masha, your in on the fun right?" Violet turned towards her blonde friend.

"Of course." Masha smiled sweetly.

Violet loved her accent a lot. It showed how much Masha didn't want to forget her mother language.

"Violet, I'm choosing the outfits for all three of us." Mina stated proudly.

"Sure." Violet answered.

Oh they were so crashing this party.






AC/DC's 'Thunderstruck' on the side ^^

Feedback is always welcomed♥


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