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She probably had the most colorful backstory out of her group of friends. She had been named Miracle because she was born three months too early, and the doctors said she wouldn't survive, but thanks to her parents who refused to give up on her and did every possible thing they could to save her. Thanks to them and the expert doctors on hand, she survived. The miracles didn't stop there though, when she was seven she was hit by a car, was bedridden for twelve weeks after surgery, in and out of consciousness for the first week, but miraculously only came away paralyzed from the waist down, while the doctors thought she would've been paralyzed from the head down.

"Yeah, it's more than just a hobby, I suppose. The boating, it's my new lifestyle. I'll be at sea most of the time now, but hopefully, I can visit every other week?" Naida proposed.

"Every other week? Your new lifestyle? Since when do you trade your life for a whole new one, away from family, friends, everything you've worked for and love? Naida, are you feeling alright?" Bowen fretted and gave her a meaningful look.

"He's right you know." North pitched in. "This isn't like you. Do you know what I think? I think you're lying." They folded their arms and scowled at Naida. North, who was twenty, had wavy violet hair that was shaved on one side and went down to their jawline on the other side, they were always wearing colored contacts so their eye color was different every day, and had the best spaghetti noodle body you'd ever seen, despite being perfectly healthy. They were wearing grey gym shorts, a black t-shirt advertising a taco joint in white ink, three silver chain necklaces, a skull ring, three piercings in each ear, and one of their lip and nose.

North was a combination of the gay friend and the weird friend, with their own flair thrown in. They were pansexual and non-binary, always up for even the weirdest dares, stayed up all night and was somehow never tired, and probably had a dark secret that they would take to the grave. They wore nothing but gym shorts and free t-shirts they had gotten from, well, somewhere, and topped it off with way too many edgy accessories.

Naida felt like crying. She was so happy to see her friends and get to talk to them again, but they knew her all too well and saw right through her lies. "I c-can't tell you..." She stuttered, hunching her shoulders.

"Guys, what if we took Naida to my house for a while?" A soft voice suggested and all the attention was turned to Milly, Miricle's sister. Naida was surprised she had spoken up without being spoken to first since she was always super shy.

"Oh yeah! That's a smart idea." Mist nodded and gave everyone an odd look.

The Ocean's Song (pt. 1) (Going through edits)Where stories live. Discover now