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You can submit up to two entries, so long as they are in different categories. If a genre receives up to 10 submissions, that category will be closed for entries. The genres that will be accepted are:

-Action/Adventure (FULL)

-ChickLit (FULL)



-Fantasy (FULL)

-General Fiction (FULL)

-Historical Fiction

-Mystery/ Thriller/ Horror (FULL)

-Poetry (FULL)

-Romance (FULL)

-Science Fiction

-Short Stories (FULL)

-Teen Fiction (FULL)

-Werewolf/ Vampire/ Paranormal (FULL)

PLEASE DO NOT ENTER ON ANY OTHER CHAPTER OTHER THAN THE ONE LABELED "PARTICIPATION FORM"! Judging can begin for your category as soon as the entries are assigned.

The Butterfly Awards 2020- CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now