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Dreams Do Come True

Ever since Kihyun arrived in town two years ago, he's been a blessing in secret.

One day he comes roaming through town, looking for some kind of work. But that wasn't possible considering that he was an outsider, who supposedly ran away from the last town he stayed in.

Some say he ran away because of a lover's quarrel, others say he left due to thievery, or perhaps it was murder (the reasons change each time and it was beginning to become hard to keep track).

You, however, say that he left because he was a broken boy, who came from a broken home. Leaving was his only option.

Uncle finally decided to take pity on the poor boy and allowed him to come work as a florist. And eventually, he let Kihyun stay with the both of you after you found out he's been living in a tent just outside the town lines and towards the forest, with scarce resources.

And now Kihyun is your best (and only) friend, who is taking you out on your 18th birthday for some fun. It wasn't a romantic date, but a different kind of date, according to him.

When you asked him what the difference was between a romantic one, and the one he was taking you one, was that one was meant for lovers, and the other for friends. And when you asked the difference between those two, he blankly stared at you and changed the subject.

You had a good five-minute laugh after that. Teasing him always has the best outcomes.

Now the two of you were walking through town side by side, arm in arm. The day became brighter and a little warmer (or as warm as snowy weather can get) since the day was beginning to officially start. But before you and Kihyun left for your adventure fun, you did your chores like Uncle requested, or rather, demanded.

The townsfolk were awake and bustling through the roads to get their daily tasks done. Faracre looked a lot livelier with people in it, and that's what eased your mind the most. It was nothing like the ghost town you saw in your nightmares.

"Okay, Sooyun. What do you want to do first?" Kihyun asked as you walked down the road, passing neighbor's homes.

Good question, you thought as you glanced at him. What was there to do? You've never been in town much because of your lessons, and because Uncle never really let you go out that much. It was all for your protection since the world can be cruel. But in your opinion, Uncle is far too overprotective.

Looking down at the way your shoes kicked at the rocks on the road, you answered, "Well, what do you recommend?"

This made Kihyun stumble through his mind for an answer. After being constantly cooped up at home, he would've thought that you would have somewhat an idea of where to go and what you wanted to try first. Kihyun looked around the area, trying to get an "ah-ha" moment. Then his moment came to him when he scanned over a bakery.

It's quite popular, the bakery that Mrs. Lee owns (or as popular as a small town out in the middle of nowhere can get). It's the perfect place for making people happy with delicious treats. He took your arm and started directing you in his desired direction, "Here, We'll get you a few cakes to start with. I'm sure your bottomless pit for a stomach needs some substance after doing all that hard work."

That earned him a smack on the arm and a pointed look.

Nevertheless, you followed him into the bakery. You picked out a few pastries, and he picked out the rest. The first of the pastries were eaten inside the delectable bakery, but the rest you kept in a bag to snack on during the journey.

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