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"Will, where's Ruby-" Joyce asks as she walks into Will's room

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"Will, where's Ruby-" Joyce asks as she walks into Will's room. The two were sitting together, Ruby leaning on Will's chest as they seem to have fallen asleep while looking at a magazine.

"Oh. There you are." Joyce smiles in relief. Ruby yawns, slowly getting up. Will does the same. "Hey. How you feeling, sleepyheads?" She asks.

"Any better, Will?" She asks. "M-m." He shakes his head. "Same as last night? Still weird?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Come to the kitchen, all right? Ruby, you can come as well." Joyce says, walking out. Will groans as he forces himself out of the bed. "Come on, Will." Ruby smiles, taking his hand and pulling him up.

Will takes a seat at the kitchen table. Joyce bends down, placing her hand on his forehead. "Hmm." She gets up, heading to the bathroom to get a thermometer.

"The firefighters have finally managed to stop the forest fire. The middle school remains safe at last. They claim that it had been their hardest job in their lives. We are glad that Hawkins is finally safe and sound, and the fire has been cut off." The reporter says cheerfully.

Ruby glances at the TV with a frown. "I can't believe I did that." She sighs, taking a seat beside Will. "You didn't mean to, right?" Will asks.

"Of course not. I don't even light fires in the woods. It's too risky."

"Okay, Will. Put this in your mouth, under your tongue, all right?" Joyce hands him the thermometer. "I know how to do it, mom."

He gently takes it, then does as she said. Joyce waits a few seconds, before pulling it out. She squints her eyes at it in confusion. "Is it a fever?" Will asks.

"No. Uh, actually, it's cold. Do you feel cold?" Joyce questions. "No. Just a little out of it. Like I haven't really woken up." He responds. Ruby worriedly looks to Will.

Joyce tilts her head. "You promised no doctor." Will reminds. "And I meant it. No doctor. You know what? I'm gonna run you a nice bath. It'll warm you up and hopefully get you feeling better." Joyce offers.

"How's that sound? Okay?"

Will nods. "I wish I could help. I really do." Ruby sighs. "I mean- I lived there for a year, but.. I don't know anything."

"Don't blame anything on yourself, Rube. You've done nothing but help me these past few months. You're my best friend. Always will be." Will smiles. Ruby grins, pulling him into a hug.

"Will, The bath is ready!" Joyce calls. "What about school?" Ruby asks as she walks towards Joyce. "You can skip today, too. No one can take you." She responds.

Ruby silently cheers, before backing away towards Will's room. "Go get ready, Will." Joyce instructs. "I'll be in the living room." Ruby states, walking away.

"Mom." Will suddenly calls, grabbing Joyce's and Ruby's attention. "Yeah, sweetie, what is it?"

"It's too hot." He mutters. Joyce curiously makes her way to the bath, once again leaving Ruby to herself.

Hopper arrived at the Byers residence. "Hello?" He calls out as he enters. "Leave it open." Joyce responds. Ruby watches her leave the room as she quietly sits beside Will.

She shivers in the cold, rubbing her arms. Will, on the other hand, doesn't feel a thing. In fact, he's barely moving. "We have a visitor." Joyce says softly as she enters the room with Hopper.

Will continues to stare at his window, letting the wind flow at his body. Hopper takes a seat. At Will's other side. He holds up the drawing. "So this thing, this shadow thing. You told your mom it likes it like this. It likes it cold?" Hopper questions.

"Yeah." Will whispers. "How do you know that?"  He asks again. "I just know." His voice cracks. "Does he talk to you?"

"No it's like.. I don't have to think. I just know things now. Things I never did before." He sighs. Ruby wraps her arm around him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Hopper gets up from the bed, setting down the drawings. "And, Uh... what else do you know?" He sits again. Will begins to tear up. "It's hard to explain. It's like old memories in the back of my head, only.. they're not my memories."

"Okay." Hopper nods. "I mean, I don't think they're old memories at all. They're..they're now-memories, happening all at once, now." He sobs.

"Can you describe these now-memories?"

"I don't know. It's.. it's hard to explain." He sighs. "I know it's hard but can you just.. can you try?" Joyce asks. "For us?"

"It's like... They're growing and spreading.. killing." He cries. Ruby's eyes begin to water as she looks away, wiping away her tears. "The memories?" Joyce speaks up.

"I don't know."

"I'm sorry." The boy hugs his mother as he begins sobbing much more. Ruby sniffles, causing Joyce to glance over at her. The girl's eyes are puffy and red. "Oh.. come here. Both of you." Joyce sighs, wrapping her free arm around the blonde.

"What if you didn't have to use words?" She suggests. "What do you mean?" He sniffles. "Draw. Use your crayons, or something."

Will nods, getting up and emptying out his crayon box, letting them spill onto the table. He begins drawing as fast as he can, seeming to be in a rush. All of a sudden, the phone rings. "Should I go answer it?" Ruby asks.

"Sure, go ahead, sweetie." Joyce nods. Ruby runs out of the room, picking up the phone. "Hello?" She asks. "Hey, Ruby? It's mike." The boy says.

"Oh, hey mike. I can't.. I can't really talk right now." She glances back at Will's room. "Why aren't you guys at school?"

"We're, Uh.. sick." She lets out a fake cough. "Both of you?" He questions in doubt. "Yeah. Okay, gotta go, bye! Wish Dustin the best from me!" She quickly hangs up.


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