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"You're not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a russian

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"You're not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a russian." Steve begins as the three of them meet with Robin. "You did too!"

"No, I did not." Steve denies. "Yes, you did." He replies. "No, I did not."

Suddenly, Robin barges through, running extremely fast. They watch her curiously as she frantically spins around.

They curiously approach her. "Robin?" Steve asks. "What are you doing?"

"I cracked it." She smirks. "Cracked what?" Steve questions. She jumps down from the small ledge, netting their level. "I cracked the code."

"Alright, ready?" Dustin asks. "I promised will I'd be home tonight. It's dark out and it's raining. Can I meet you guys tomorrow?" She asks. "Are you sure?" Dustin whispers.

"I'm sorry, Dustin. I'll meet you back here tomorrow, alright?"


"I promised. Plus, it's been like- three days since I've actually seen him so." She gives him a sad look. "Fine. Just meet us back here tomorrow morning." Dustin sighs.

"I'm so sorry. I love you." She smiles, pulling him in for a hug. "Love you too. Bye, Rube. See you."

"See you, Superspy." She chuckles, saluting before running out. Unfortunately for Ruby, it's pouring out and all she has is her bike.

She quickly climbs onto it, then begins her way home.

Once she arrives back home, she slowly pushes open the door. "Will? Joyce? Johnathan? I'm home!" She calls. Surprisingly, no one answers. Will should've been home by now and Joyce never stays out this late.

"Will!!" She calls. She runs into his room and checks all the other rooms, finding no sign of him. Suddenly, a knock on the door echoes through the house.

She quickly runs to the door, pulling it open. "Ruby?" Mike asks. "Hey. What are you guys doing here?" She asks.

"Looking for Will." Lucas responds. "We need to apologize." Mike adds. "I'm sorry, guys. He's not here. I actually have no idea where he is." She sighs.

"Oh.. well, if you see him, let him know we're sorry." Mike looks down at the ground in disappointment. "You sure you guys don't wanna come in? It's freezing." Ruby asks.

"No. It's fine. Thanks, Ruby." Lucas shakes his head. "Yeah, no problem. Bye, guys!"


Ruby shuts the door, then runs over to the backdoor. Forgetting to grab her jacket, she barges out, headed towards Castle Byers.

Once she arrives, she finds Will sitting over by the destroyed structure, in tears. "Will?" She calls. She looks to castle Byers, a tear rolling down her cheek. Will turns to face her, then looks away.

The girl slowly walks over to him, sitting beside him. No matter how cold or how soaked the both of them felt, it couldn't exceed the sadness in the air.

As soon as she sits, Will wraps his arms around her, crying into her shoulder. The thunder roars as they sit together. "Will, come on. Let's go home." She sniffles, grabbing onto his hand.

Will sadly nods, then holds her hand tightly as they get up and run back home.

Ruby and will sit on Will's bed in a deafening silence, a blanket comfortably wrapped around their shaking bodies. "Are you gonna tell me what happened, now?" Ruby asks.

"No." Will shakes his head. "Will, you know I'm always here for you." She sigh. "Just forget it." He responds. "Will-"

"I said, forget it!" He yells.

"Stop hiding everything from me."

"Hiding everything?" Will raises his voice. "Hiding everything?" He shouts, getting off the bed. Ruby widens her eyes in shock. "I'm allowed to keep things to myself, Ruby!"

"I- will, I'm just trying to help." She stammers. "Yeah? Well I don't need your help. I don't need your help, Ruby. Because we're not kids anymore. I can deal with these things myself. Leave me alone." He lets out a shaky breath. "I'm so confused! What am I doing wrong?" She asks, softly crying.

Ruby stares at him for a moment, speechless. "Fine. If that's what you want. I don't know what's wrong with you, or why the hell you won't just let me help, but fine! Totally fine! I don't need to know anymore." She angrily gets up, wiping away a tear as she makes her way out of his room.

"Ruby, Wait-" He sighs.

"What?" She asks, aggressively spinning around. "You obviously don't need my help. So what do you want?" She sniffles.

"I'm sorry." He sighs.

"Yeah. I am, too."

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