*|:|* CHAPTER 1 *|:|* [A CUP OF COFFEE]

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There's going to be swear words, some sad stuffs, and  thinking some operatives are dead!

I sigh, as I silently  get a clean mug out of the cabinet.  I smile warmly, at the pink mug. 

I sit the mug, in the coffee mixer. And take a big whiff of the warm coffee.

"Hey, Benevolent!" 

The call of my name, makes me slightly turn around my mouth making a small "o" form, and I smile once more.

"You're up rather earlier than expected, dearest Unpredictable!" I chuckle, closing my eyes and tilting my head slightly to the side.

"There's two new operatives." Unpred said, causing my eyes to snap open, and I smile 10x more.

"What?! Really?!" I ask, hopping slightly, and giggling.

"Yeah, their names are like- Uhhh-.." He says making a hand motion as he looks up.

"Radiate...? And Plastic..? Something like that." He says. Causing me to let out a chuckle at his assumption of one's name being "Plastic".

"I highly doubt his name is 'Plastic', Unppy." I say, with a smile, and my eyes closed once again.

"Shut up, Miss Pinky! I'm not the best at remembering names!" Unpredictable snaps, his grey cheeks slightly flushing, due to his dumb mistake.

"Well, you better remember their names. They're one of us now! So, we're gonna treat them how they're supposed to be treated. They're not toys, so treat them respectfully." I say, crossing my arms, and glaring at the bipolar male.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Unpred says, waving his hand.

"You're GOING to respect them! Understood?!" I slam my hands on the counter, causing Unpredictable to nearly jump out of his skin. And start sweating.

"UNDERSTOOD?!" I scream, louder.

"U-understood!" Unpredictable stutters. His lip trembling.

"Good!" I smile.

"Wait, when are they coming?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.

"They're already here. The [SUPREME LEADER] is just giving them a tour." Unpred shrugs, grabbing a cookie off the cookie tray, and taking a bite.

"Has The [SUPREME LEADER] marked his [OPERATIVE]?" I ask, also taking a cookie from the tray.

"Hell, I don't know. Maybe? I think? Maybe Emotionless?" Unpredictable says, in a muffled voice, from taking a bite of cookie. 

"Hmm.. They have been inhumanly close." I say, tapping my chin, with my index finger, then taking a bite of the pink chocolate chip cookie.

"Yeah, but they could be just friends. Also, that coffee sounds like it's about to explode-." Unpredictable says.

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