How To Get Discovered

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There is no specific formula on how to get discovered, but there are some things you can do to help.

Most people seem to think that self-promotion is the key, but it isn't.

The key is perseverance. Yes. I know. That sounds dumb, but I'm not lying.

If your story doesn't get many reads, don't stop writing. There are always silent readers out there who are devoted to reading your story.


Covers are super important. Like extremely. You know that saying 'don't judge a book by its cover.' Newsflash no one listens to it. Everyone judges a book by its cover. EVERYONE. A book's cover will draw readers in to it. Read on to find a chapter dedicated to covers.


Your books description is the second thing a reader sees about your book after the cover. The description has to be just as good as the cover. There is a chapter dedicated to writing an incredible description for the book.


Your profile pick and bio are really important in helping someone relate to you. There is also going to be a chapter dedicated to those two things.

Love ya always,


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