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Summary: One late night in the rain, a stranger offers L an umbrella - a stranger who seems strikingly familiar.
(Or - Light and L meet again in their next life)

A/N - It's, uh, been a while. Wish I had a good reason. Consider this Light's late, late birthday present and a late April Fools gift (*^▽^*) Sorry if there are any typos - published this on 1% battery

Rain pattered down mercilessly upon the now empty streets of Tokyo, filling every last crevice and crook until there wasn't a single thing left dry.

L hugged himself as he shuffled through the streets, wishing he'd brought a coat. He'd be soaked to the bone by the time he got home at this rate. His teeth chattered uncontrollably, and the rain made wet strands of his dark hair fall over his eyes.

Light strolled down the street, his left hand stuffed into his pocket, the other holding his umbrella. He wasn't in much of a hurry to get home - it was a safe neighbourhood, and he hadn't had anything planned for the next day.

He glimpsed movement in the corner of his eye, and turned. On the other side of the road was a young man, around his age and height, trudging down the street. Light chuckled at the sight. The poor thing was probably going to catch a terrible cold if he didn't get a decent coat on.

I should probably go help him out, he thought, sympathetic for him. He crossed the road, the warm glow of the streetlights being switching out for the dimmer neon glow of late-night diners and restaurants.

Up close, the poor boy was even more under the weather than he thought. Dark, wet strands of hair clinging to his neck, damp, too-big clothes stuck to his smaller frame.


A voice stirred L from his gloomy half-there-ness, making him pause and look back. A young man, not much younger than him, was just standing there, holding a red umbrella. Bronze, neat strands of hair fell just above his honey coloured eyes, lips curled into the gentlest of smiles.

The sight brought with it a rush of something L couldn't quite place- and the sensation of familiarity. Perhaps they had met before? If they had, he couldn't quite place where, or when.

L stared at him for a good few moments before finally responding.

"Hello." His voice sounded softer than he would've hoped.

The corners of the boy's mouth twitched up a little further. "I thought I might offer you a walk home, in this weather." The smile split into a dazzling grin. "Although you already seem pretty soaked through."

This beautiful boy, walking him home? "I... are you sure?"

Light laughed a little. What an odd man. While his messy hair, dark under eye smudges and ghostly pale skin would be most off-putting on majority of people, the combination was strangely endearing on this certain boy. While he was around Light's height, his slouch and slender frame made him seem smaller.

"Fairly sure," responded, smiling, "what were you doing anyways, standing out there by yourself?"

L opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again. There it was again - that strange sense of déjà vu, as if those words had been spoken to him before. As if they had met before. Did he feel it too?

"I... thank you. I live quite far away, though. I wouldn't want to cause you too much trouble."

Light just shrugged, still smiling, and stepped closer, so they were both under the shelter of his umbrella. Without the drumming of rain falling onto the pavement around his feet and into his eyes, the world seemed much quieter. They were very close, L noticed. Oddly, he didn't want to move away.

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