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Third P.O.V.

"Lucifer, darling."
Lucifer blinked and turned his head toward Lilith slowly, then looked at the sobbing three-year-old sitting on her hip.
"Is she refusing to sleep again?"
Lilith simply nodded and offered the child over to him.
He got up and walked over, taking her in his arms and then resuming his seat on his throne. The child continued to cry.

"Charlie," Lucifer said, and the baby girl looked up at him tearfully.

Charlie had been having fits the last few weeks, refusing to sleep and making a fuss about almost everything. Her lack of sleep made her moody and lash out frequently, which was something her parents were not expecting out of their sweet child.

"What is bothering you, my little princess?"

In her anger fits, Charlie was also becoming extremely developed, and was communicating better than one usually could that age.
If you didn't consider that fact she was a pure bred demon.
"The screams are s-scaring me," she whimpered.

Lucifer glanced at Lilith.

"The screams of the tortured souls uses to put her right to sleep," Lilith said quietly. "Like a lullaby almost. Now it terrifies her."
Charlie curled up against her father's chest and cried more.
Lucifer sighed.
"She's going to have to get used to it one way or the other. It won't just go away because she doesn't like it."

"Sing her a lullaby, then. That always put her to sleep."
Lilith moved over to her husband, and sat next to him.  She leaned over and placed her head on Lucifer's shoulder, looking down at Charlie's face.

"Please hush, don't keep on crying,
My child with a lovely face. If you cry you won't look as beautiful.

"I pray that you can live honorably.
Be a woman of high importance.
Bring honor to your parents' name.
Be a warrior of your country...

"Please hush... My child...
There, the moon is full, like the head of a scary giant, one who's looking for a crying child.

"Tak lelo... Lelo lelo ledung..
Please hush my beautiful child."

By now Charlie was peacefully asleep, snoring lightly in Lucifer's arms.
Lilith exchanged a warm smile with her husband before gethering Charlie in her arms and carrying her back to bed.

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