Chapter 4

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(Keri's POV)

I feel incredibly nervous as we weed our way through the heart of this brand new faction system. My grandfather, Marcus, never told me or my parents about this.

It's weird being the niece of my enemy, Four knows absolutely nothing about his sister, or me for that matter. You see, my grandmother Evelyn got pregnant a year before her 'death'. Marcus wanted nothing to do with Evelyn anymore, too selfish for him I suppose. So when she have birth to my mother Nita, he made her give up the baby and go into exile.

The Bureau found her and took her out of the city at a very young age, experimenting on her genetically mutated blood. I remember my mother telling me never to tell anyone else this, that if anyone asks, she was simply part of the failed experiment in Indianapolis. It was much easier, and less painful, then explaining her true roots.

(Tobias's POV)

Prime minister Marcus? My muscles tense and contract in anger, I never wanted to even here his name again, none the less pretend to be him.

He can't hurt me now, I beat him once, I can do it again. I try to reassure myself shakily as I walk deeper into to the heart of my fathers new monster.

I reach for Tris's hand, using her as the connecting lifeline between fantasy and reality. I honestly can't tell which is which anymore.

Tris won't meet my eyes, she is either still angry, or keeping a secret from me. Natalia shuffles behind me, sniffling back tears.

"Tris," I whisper so that only she can hear. She looks up, but still unable to meet my eyes. "Are you still upset, or is something else going on?" I try not to let my instructor voice play in to my tone, I want her to talk to me, but I can't command her to do so.

"I'm pregnant." She sighs, looking into my eyes with tears in hers. I walk a few paces ahead with her, so that our group in steps behind us, and out of ear shot.

"Tris, that is, this is....... amazing." She looks slightly puzzled, then angry.

"You need to fix this between Natalia and Noah. I've seen them together, they are just like what we were, what we are......."

"Ok." I hate the idea of anyone being with my daughter, but Noah is a good kid. I've known him for as long as I've known my own daughter.

Tris smiles through her tears, "Tobias, I love you." I smile back, kiss her quickly on the lips and say, "I love you too."

For that moment I forget that I am in the beating heart of a new, dangerous society. I forget all of the deaths, and pain that we have endured, and will have to go through. I let my guard down, I look forward, and realize that that was a big mistake.

Please comment and vote! Sorry that it took so long to update, but I had a lot to cram in to the chapter, and a lot to explain. I have midterms coming up too, but promise to try and update again soon! Love you my rebels!❤️

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