Family vacation: surprise

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Peter and Harley came running towards the 'kitchen' of the resort room. Stephen was holding up two plates with half a slice of a sandwich in each one. They kids took one each and left. "You could have AT LEAST said thank you y'know." Stephen looked at peter, being the oldest. "Yes, I'm sorry dad. Thank you" Stephen playfully rolled his eyes and enter to his bedroom. Seeing tony on the edge of the bed with a towel around his waist.

"Hey, uh would you mind bringing me a cup of water please." Tony seemed like he was hiding something but from what it seemed he was 'ok' for now. "Sure" Stephen felt the suspicion.

When Stephen came back with the cup of water he was left surprised. "Omg, tony wh-" "please don't say anything, please I just don't know how, but it happened." Stephen was shocked how in the world did this happen so suddenly.

"Please Stephen, calm down. I swear this isn't what it seems" all that Stephen could think of is the bump on Tony's stomach. "T-Tony? What happened." "Okay calm down, I am p-pregnant. And I don't know how, and I'm as surprised as you, i didn't even think this was possible and last time I checked I was the one fucking you." Tony joked.

Stephen was about to cry. He always wanted a child of his own, but what about peter and Harley? They were babies when Stephen and tony adopted them, would this change anything, like at all?

"Stephen please say something..." Tony was desperate to know Stephens answer. He hugged his husband and actually did cry this time. "Omg! Our own baby! I just can't believe it. You are so special and I love you for that."

Stephen ran to the kids and told them the news. Harley and peter were excited. "Did you hear that it's a new brother!" Harley yelled. "No! It's gonna be a baby girl!" Peter said back. "Woah, woah, woah hold your horses. We don't know the gender yet. So no arguing. Plus, we are all gonna be happy no matter what our baby is." Tony said walking towards the kitchen where the kids were. He was rubbing his stomach and then went to the bathroom to puke. "Oh." Stephen said thinking, he thought about putting a spell to help tony with the pain, since he knew the hard pain cramps and things women suffered during pregnancy, but would this affect the baby? Hopefully not. Stephen kept thinking. He performed the spell and tony slept comfortably through the night, that night.

"Good morning sweet heart how'd you sleep?" Tony was deep in sleep but always woke up to hear his beloved husbands voice. "Hm, good morning, i surprisingly slept better. I thought sleeping during pregnancy was gonna be painful." Tony said rubbing his stomach. Stephen smiles at himself.

"Well hopefully, the rest of the days we have here in Miami are spent well." Tony looked up at Stephen. "Oh calm down honey, I know you like perfect vacations but, there are many places and we only have four days left in sure we'll make the best out of them." Tony went up to Stephen comforting him.

"Here we are! The beach, i haven't been here for a while now." "It's so pretty! Can we go swim!!?" Peter didn't like water, he was scared but the only reason he agreed to come was to play in the sand. On the other hand, Harley loved the water, especially the beach. He loved to surf, yes he was small child but he was a really good swimmer. Peter sat down next to the umbrella Stephen had opened up into the sand and started to build castles. By the end of the day peter had built three different and uniquely beautiful sand castles.

Tony was impressed and joined his son. Stephen as usual brought his books and started to read.

Here's the last of this one... ya ya another chapter done, sorry for the late update but I've been busy and then I've been losing inspiration to continue but we always strike towards the end and not stop so that's where we're going. Hope you are a good day and hope you enjoyed 😊

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