My Journey

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My Journey

Hey everyone!

A huge thanks to all those who are here to read my journey on wattpad. Before I start to ramble on about it, I want you guys to know how much you all mean to me, how much your support means to me. Please know that it's because of all the love that you literally shower on my work that I feel inspired to write more.

But it hadn't been about writing at all when I first joined Wattpad in 2012. I got on board to read. Just the idea of so many amazing books accessible in one single app drove the 13 year old me crazy. As a kid, I'd always been fascinated by books. I honestly don't know when I started reading but I do remember being just a little girl and making my parents buy me all sorts of those colourful storybooks. From picture books to reading fairy tales, fairy tales to classics, I grew up and fiction became a part of me.

Then one day, thanks to my friend, I discovered Wattpad. We were having a Christmas party in our school right before we were supposed to be off for the winter holidays. And because of the celebration, we were allowed to carry our phones with us. We must have been discussing some book as she suddenly asked if I'd heard of Wattpad. I said no and she started telling me about the app and showed it to me on her phone. I found it interesting but didn't install right away. A few days later when I was getting bored at a relative's house, I installed it and oh boy! It was like I'd discovered magic.

After spending the rest of my holidays reading different stories here, I finally decided to try my hand at writing in January, 2013. My first story turned out to be a supernatural one based on shadows. Yep! Shadows as the villains. Bring in vampires, witches and a mention of werewolves, I ended up writing a story nobody really asked for. It would be an understatement to say that I am not very proud of it but it was my first and I wouldn't change it for the world. Also, as weird as it may sound to someone who has read it, I kinda love it the way it is.

So anyway, moving ahead I tried writing a human high school romance after that. It did better than the shadows one. A few of my school friends were following it and constantly asked me for updates, which made me so happy as they seemed to take an interest in my work.

My third one was a fantasy with fairies and all that. It did okayish but at this point in 2016, that is, four years since I'd been on Wattpad, I wanted more. And by more, I mean that one million readers milestone.

I'd seen stories with reads as high as 50M around here and I started analysing the differences between my stories and theirs. I knew I was going to need a drastic change in my writing style. I was going to make little changes to the way I wrote and phrased my sentences but I couldn't do that with all my friends watching. You know those silent workers who are scared to try something new because of the fear of failure? I was like that. I was afraid of failing while my friends watched. (Don't be like me on this one though)

I wanted a new beginning. An anonymous one.

So I made another account on Wattpad called Fearless_Fire (Get it? The irony lol) and started a new story called Revenge Marriage. Because of not gaining a lot of reads on it, I deleted it and after a few months, rewrote the same plot with a few changes and named it Vindicta. I didn't gain any readers on that either initially.

But I was done this time. I was done worrying if anyone was going to like or even read my story. I stopped chasing the numbers and started focusing on my content. All I wanted was to put my thoughts in words and finish the story. But thankfully, as the story progressed, people started liking the plot and Vindicta became my first story ever to reach that one million milestone.

You can take my advice on this one. Have an idea? Go for it! Do not chase the number of reads. Just put a lot of faith in yourself and your love for writing.

Once Vindicta started gaining a little popularity, I decided to change my username since the old one sounded cheesy to me. So I changed it to

*drumroll please* 🥁 (Note the sarcasm)



I know I could have done better. I still regret it everyday and debate with myself on a new name but can't bring myself to change it. It wasn't until recently that I'd revealed my legal name here so a lot of you had already started calling me Feisty! Guess I've grown attached to it lol. Maybe I'll change it sometime in future. That is if I can bring myself to. Hahaha!

Anyway, getting back to the stories, after finishing Vindicta, I started my second book Nick's Trouble. No other work of mine has given me as many writer's blocks as this one. I got it after every chapter and I'm sure you all could tell because of the *extremely* slow updates. But at the same time, no other work of mine has made me love my own characters as much as this one. My babies.

It took me a year and a half to finally finish Nick's Trouble and I had all your support right from the beginning on this one.

Two months after finishing this book, out of nowhere, I had an invite to become a part of the WattpadStars Program. To say I was on top of the world upon having that orange octagon next to my name, is probably the biggest understatement of the century.

I am so thankful for being a part of this amazing Wattpad community and for knowing so many of you amazing people. I wouldn't have done any of this if it weren't for you guys and your support.

Thank you so much! ❤

Also if I left something out or if you have any questions for me regarding anything, you can leave comments on this chapter or simply PM me. I'll be happy to talk to you guys! 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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